Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

This list includes for each course the catalog number, title, credit hours, class and laboratory hours per week, description and prerequisites.

A secondary listing in parentheses indicates that this course is cross-referenced with another program.

Graduate credit may be earned only for courses numbered 6000 or above. Each 6000-level course carries a 4000-level undergraduate counterpart. Students who receive graduate credit in such courses must do extra work of an appropriate nature as determined by the department and are graded according to graduate standards. Students who receive credit for the 4000-level course may not receive credit later for the same course at the 6000 level.

Courses at the 7000 level are designed primarily for the degrees that emphasize professional practice rather than research.



  • ED 9380 - Grant Development in Education-Related Fields

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Addresses the process for writing and submitting grant proposals, including training grants, demonstration projects, research grants and curriculum development projects.
  • ED 9420 - Studies of Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Addresses philosophical, theoretical, and empirical issues related to curriculum, instruction and assessment in mathematics education. Curricular issues relevant to this class span pre-K through grade 12 and include the emergence of national, state and common core standards. Preq: Admission into the Curriculum and Instruction doctoral program; and consent of instructor.
  • ED 9470 - Current Scholarship in Mathematics Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Enhances appreciation for and understanding of research methods and findings in mathematics education. Includes an analysis of research methodology and techniques in mathematics education, the history of research in mathematics education, and various theories of mathematics learning. Preq: Admission into the Curriculum and Instruction doctoral program; and consent of instructor.
  • ED 9540 - Curriculum Theory

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Main currents of curriculum theory in American education. Preq: Graduate standing.
  • ED 9550 - Theoretical Bases of Instruction

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Seminar in the application of learning theory to instructional practice emphasizing instructional strategies in the classroom.
  • ED 9600 - History and Philosophy of African American Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examination of the historical and contemporary philosophies, practices and pedagogies for Black education from the early nineteenth century through the present. The course emphasizes the educational literature in the areas of culturally responsive pedagogy, African-centered pedagogy and curriculum, multicultural curriculum and critical race theory.
  • ED 9610 - History of American Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Historical development of educational purpose and the social and cultural forces which shaped that development.
  • ED (EDF) 9800 - Internship in Curriculum and Instruction

    1-6 Credits (1-6 Contact Hours)
    Practical experiences linking the student’s program of study to his/her field of professional service. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. May also be offered as EDF 9800 . Preq: Consent of advisor.
  • ED (EDF, EDSP) 9910 - Doctoral Dissertation Research

    1-18 Credits (1-18 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral Dissertation Research. May also be offered as EDF 9910  or EDSP 9910 .
  • ED (EDF, EDSP) 9940 - Directed Research

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    Research in a line of inquiry in education under the direction of faculty. May be taken with different faculty members. May be repeated for a maximum of 18 credits. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. May also be offered as EDF 9940  or EDSP 9940 . Preq: EDF 8770  or EDF 8080 ; or consent of instructor.

Education and Human Development

  • EDHD 7110 - Selected Topics: Teacher Professional Development

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Selected topics determined by professional development needs for teachers. To be taken for professional credit only; credit for this course may not be applied toward a master’s degree. May be repeated for a maximum of 18 credits, but only if different topics are covered.
  • EDHD 8210 - Selected Topics: Independent Study in Education and Human Development

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Masters-level study of selected topics under the direction of a faculty member selected by the student. Student and faculty member develop a course of study different from existing courses and designed for the individual student. May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits if different topics are covered.
  • EDHD 8310 - Selected Topics in Education and Human Development

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Specific master’s-level topics not covered in other courses are selected for in-depth study. May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits if different topics are covered.
  • EDHD 9210 - Independent Doctoral Study in Education and Human Development

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral-level study of selected topics under the direction of a faculty member selected by the student. Student and faculty member develop a course of study different from existing courses and designed for the individual student. May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits if different topics are covered.
  • EDHD 9310 - Selected Topics in Doctoral Studies

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral-level education topics not covered in other courses are selected for in-depth study and research. May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits if different topics are covered.

Education Student Affairs

  • EDSA 8030 - Student Development Services in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Student personnel services offered by institutions of higher education. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDSA 8040 - Theories of Student Development in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Addresses student development and human development theories of college student identity development. The course examines psychosocial, cognitive, environmental and typological theories with an emphasis on utilizing these theories in working with college students. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDSA 8060 - Student Affairs Issues

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the current issues in the student personnel profession and future challenges facing student affairs departments. Preq: EDSA 8030  and EDSA 8040 ; or consent of instructor.
  • EDSA 8080 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Student Affairs Practice and Counselor Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of current legal and ethical issues confronting counselor educators and administrators working in student affairs practice and student affairs counseling. Examines a representative sample of key concepts, federal and state court cases and explores the application of legal and ethical issues to student affairs practice and counseling.
  • EDSA 8090 - Higher Education Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Knowledge, skills and processes essential to effectively administer a program or service in higher education. Examines relationships between environmental factors and strategies for planning and managing student affairs programs and services. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDSA (EDC) 8100 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Counseling theories and techniques. May also be offered as EDC 8100 . Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDSA (EDC) 8110 - Multicultural Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Responsibility of counselors to all people regardless of race, sex, gender, socioeconomic status, subculture, etc.; content and theory related to counseling multicultural individuals/groups. May also be offered as EDC 8110 .
  • EDSA (EDC) 8140 - Development of Counseling Skills

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    On-campus experience to help counselors develop counseling skills through role-playing activities, audio and videotaping, interviewing, lecture and discussion. May also be offered as EDC 8140 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDSA 8100 .
  • EDSA 8190 - The Contemporary College Student

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Analytical approach to the unique character of the contemporary college student, the effects of change on that character and the role of college in enhancing student development in that context. Preq: EDL 8550  or consent of instructor.
  • EDSA 8340 - Student Affairs Practicum

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Supervised field experience in counseling and other student services in a postsecondary school setting. To be taken Pass/Fall only. Preq: EDSA 8030  and EDSA 8040 ; or consent of instructor (100 clock hours). Coreq: EDSA 8341 .
  • EDSA 8341 - Student Affairs Practicum Laboratory

    0 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDSA 8340 . Coreq: EDSA 8340 .
  • EDSA 8440 - Student Affairs Internship

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Application of previous knowledge to professional and postsecondary settings in a supervised field experience in counseling/student services. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: EDSA 8340  and consent of instructor. Coreq: EDSA 8441 .
  • EDSA 8441 - Student Affairs Internship Laboratory

    0 Credits (99 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDSA 8440 . Coreq: EDSA 8440 .

Educational Counseling

  • EDC 8010 - Foundations of School Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory and practice of school counseling; principles and policies underlying programs. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8050 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    History and description of various counseling services provided in agency settings; the type of client populations served and existing legislative acts mandating these services.
  • EDC 8070 - Counseling Children and Adolescents

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory and techniques in the area of counseling youth in educational institutions and other settings; common challenges faced by children and adolescents, developmental considerations, and evidence-based interventions. Preq: EDF 8010  and EDC 8100 ; or consent of instructor.
  • EDC (EDSA) 8100 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Counseling theories and techniques. May also be offered as EDSA 8100 . Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDC (EDSA) 8110 - Multicultural Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Responsibility of counselors to all people regardless of race, sex, gender, socioeconomic status, subculture, etc.; content and theory related to counseling multicultural individuals/groups. May also be offered as EDSA 8110 .
  • EDC 8120 - Career Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Career counseling theories, strategies and interventions appropriate for diverse populations, as well as sources of occupational information, are examined. Preq: EDC 8100 .
  • EDC 8130 - Assessment in Counseling

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Purpose and methods of assessment, testing and evaluation in counseling, as well as selection, administration and interpretation of assessments, are covered. Preq: EDC 8100 . Coreq: EDC 8131 .
  • EDC 8131 - Assessment in Counseling Laboratory

    0 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDC 8130 . Coreq: EDC 8130 .
  • EDC (EDSA) 8140 - Development of Counseling Skills

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    On-campus experience to help counselors develop counseling skills through role-playing activities, audio and videotaping, interviewing, lecture and discussion. May also be offered as EDSA 8140 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8100 .
  • EDC 8150 - Group Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Course covers theory and practice of group counseling and group work; considerations for forming and leading groups; and participation in an experiential group. Preq: EDC 8100  and EDC 8140 .
  • EDC 8160 - Introduction to Couples and Family Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Major models and techniques of couples and family counseling are examined, as well as history, research, legal, ethical and other professional issues. Preq: EDC 8100 .
  • EDC 8170 - Crisis Intervention Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines diverse crisis situations and the assessment and treatment strategies used by counselors to assist individuals, groups and organizations to manage and resolve crises. Preq: EDC 8100  or consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8180 - Psychopathology for Counselors

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    The history, etiology and treatment of mental disorders, and current empirical research related to pathology are covered. Preq: EDC 8100  or consent of instructor. Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8010  or EDC 8050 .
  • EDC 8210 - Counseling Psychodiagnosis

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Comprehensive overview of the diagnostic classification systems, including assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders. Preq: Graduate standing and EDC 8100  and EDC 8180 ; or consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8220 - Addictions Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of chemical dependence and addiction; current methods of identification and intervention; awareness of how addictions affect individuals, families, schools and communities. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8230 - Advanced Counseling Techniques and Strategies

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Development of in-depth counseling skills; techniques for working with a wide variety of populations and/or problems; and current professional issues in mental health counseling are covered. Preq: EDC 8140  and EDC 8150 .
  • EDC 8240 - Ethical Issues in Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Explores the ethical standards and dilemmas facing today’s counseling professionals, including foundations of ethical principles and ethical decision-making. Students explore ethical issues that cover traditional topics, such as confidentiality, dual relationships, and record keeping; as well as contemporary issues, such as multicultural competence and online counseling, that are prevalent in most counseling settings. Preq: EDC 8100  or consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8250 - Counseling Across the Lifespan

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Application of human development theories related to individual and family development in the conceptualization of counseling concerns and the development of counseling interventions for diverse populations. Emphasis is placed on prevention and wellness in the counseling field. Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8010  or EDC 8050 .
  • EDC 8300 - School Counseling Practicum

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Supervised field experience in counseling in a school setting. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: EDC 8010  and EDC 8100  and EDC 8140 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8070  and EDC 8150 . Coreq: EDC 8301 .
  • EDC 8301 - School Counseling Practicum Laboratory

    0 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDC 8300 . Coreq: EDC 8300 .
  • EDC 8310 - Elementary School Counseling Pracicum II

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
  • EDC 8311 - Elementary School Counseling Practicum II Laboratory

    0 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
  • EDC 8360 - Clinical Mental Health Practicum

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Supervised field experiences in counseling in a mental health setting. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: EDC 8050  and EDC 8140  and consent of instructor. Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8150 . Coreq: EDC 8361 .
  • EDC 8361 - Clinical Mental Health Practicum Laboratory

    0 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDC 8360 . Coreq: EDC 8360 .
  • EDC 8390 - Community Internship II

    6 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
  • EDC 8391 - Community Internship II Laboratory

    0 Credits (15 Contact Hours)
  • EDC 8400 - Independent Study in Counseling

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Individualized, in-depth study of a particular topic not offered in other courses. Reading, research and independent study are supervised by a faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8410 - School Counseling Internship

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    In a supervised field experience, students apply knowledge in individual and group counseling, classroom guidance and consultation to assist students in school settings. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: EDC 8300 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8120  and EDC 8130 . Coreq: EDC 8411 .
  • EDC 8411 - School Counseling Internship Laboratory

    0 Credits (99 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDC 8410 . Coreq: EDC 8410 .
  • EDC 8460 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    Students apply previous knowledge of counseling theory and techniques in a supervised field experience in professional mental health counseling settings. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Preq: EDC 8050  and EDC 8100  and EDC 8110  and EDC 8140  and EDC 8150  and EDC 8180  and EDC 8210  and EDC 8360  and consent of instructor. Coreq: EDC 8461 .
  • EDC 8461 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship Laboratory

    0 Credits (99 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDC 8460 . Coreq: EDC 8460 .
  • EDC 8500 - Collaborative School Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Collaborative counseling and large scale interventions for addressing academic and social-emotional issues in P-12 schools. Preq: EDC 8010 .
  • EDC 8510 - Leadership in School Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Leadership, management and evaluation of school counseling programs. Preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8410 .
  • EDC 8560 - College Admissions Counseling

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examination of the range of postsecondary educational options; college recruitment methods and admission decision-making processes; financial and merit aid; the college admissions counseling process, tools and resources; and the design and delivery of effective college admissions counseling services that meet the needs of diverse populations. Preq: EDC 8010  or consent of instructor.
  • EDC 8580 - Introduction to Play Therapy

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Overview of essential play therapy elements and principles, including history, theories and techniques, and modalities. Emphasis is placed on observation and application of play therapy skills and techniques. Three content areas required for registered play therapist credentialing are covered: history, theory, and techniques and methods. Preq: EDC 8100  and EDC 8140  and EDF 8010 .
  • EDC 8850 - Selected Topics

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Developing trends in counseling not covered in other courses. May be repeated, but only if different topics are covered.
  • EDC 9150 - Internship in Counseling Setting

    3 Credits (7 Contact Hours)
    Post-master’s supervised internship in counseling. Provides direct service experience in counseling with clients in an approved setting. Students must have earned a Master’s degree in Counseling to enroll in this course. Preq: Consent of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDC 9200 - Counselor Supervision

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Overview of conceptual and empirical literature on counselor supervision that includes models, approaches, techniques, relationship/process issues, legal concerns and ethical considerations. Students develop supervision skills through readings, seminar discussions and supervision of master’s-level students. Students must have earned a Master’s degree in Counseling or related field approved by program coordinator to enroll in this course. Preq: Consent of instructor.

Educational Foundations

  • EDF (AGED) 6800 - Foundations of Digital Media and Learning

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Critical use of digital media for leadership and learning within societal and educational contexts. Course focuses on learner impact while exploring and evaluating technology-enhanced applications. Competencies with new media literacies are developed and cultural, ethical and participatory implications are addressed. Designed to meet Read to Succeed requirements. Registration preference may be given to students enrolled in a teacher education program. May also be offered as AGED 6800 . Coreq: EDF 6801 .
  • EDF (AGED) 6801 - Foundations of Digital Media and Learning Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDF 6800 . May also be offered as AGED 6801 . Coreq: EDF 6800 .
  • EDF (AGED) 6820 - Advanced Educational Applications of Microcomputers

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to apply microcomputer technology to the utilization and generation of educational software in accordance with sound educational principles. May also be offered as AGED 6820 . Preq: AGED 4800 or EDF 4800. Coreq: EDF 6821 .
  • EDF (AGED) 6821 - Advanced Educational Applications of Microcomputers Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDF 6820 . May also be offered as AGED 6821 . Coreq: EDF 6820 .
  • EDF 6900 - Classroom Management

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Aids students in developing strategies and plans to manage a classroom effectively. Topics include both time and behavioral management. Students learn how to prevent problems as well as address problems once they have occurred. Preq: Graduate standing.
  • EDF 6970 - Instructional Media in the Classroom

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Integrated approach to the use of audiovisual media stressing systematic planning, selection, utilization, and evaluation as well as production of materials and equipment operation. Preq: 2.0 minimum grade-point ratio.
  • EDF (EDL) 8000 - Philosophy, Schooling and Educational Policy

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Development of contemporary educational theory and its impact on current schooling practices and educational policy development. May also be offered as EDL 8000 .
  • EDF 8010 - Human Growth and Development

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory and research in human development and its impact on the teaching/learning process.
  • EDF 8020 - Learning and Motivation in Context

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Educational applications of research and theory on objectives, motivation, class climate, class management and learning theory.
  • EDF 8030 - Early Adolescent Growth and Development

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory and research in early adolescent growth and development and the teaching/learning process for middle-grades youth. Undergraduate students may request consent of instructor.
  • EDF 8080 - Contemporary Issues in Assessment

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Construction, use and interpretation of subjective and standard tests; measurement applications.
  • EDF 8350 - Adolescent Growth and Development

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides understanding about the growth and development of the adolescent and implications for secondary school teachers. Preq: Admission to the Graduate School.
  • EDF 8660 - Integrating Service Learning into Curriculum

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Opportunities for certified teachers to build competence in service learning through personal participation in service and in reflection. Students develop a plan to integrate service learning activities into the curriculum of their school and/or district. Designed for 12-25 elementary, middle school, high school and adult education teachers. Students must hold teaching certification in order to enroll in this course. Coreq: EDF 8661 .
  • EDF 8661 - Service Learning Lab

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDF 8660 . Coreq: EDF 8660 .
  • EDF 8710 - Cultural Diversity in Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Sociological and anthropological examination of contemporary P-12 educational policy issues.
  • EDF 8770 - Experimental and Nonexperimental Research Methods in Education I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Types of educational research and uses; logical bases of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques; basic research issues important in education; educational research design and procedures; introduction to measurement and evaluation; applications to special problems in classroom settings and program development; and evaluation in curriculum, administration and educational support services.
  • EDF 8800 - Integration of Digital Media for Middle School Teachers

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Students learn how digital media can support learning and instruction within various content areas for middle school students. Through the exploration and evaluation of existing and emerging technologies, students develop competencies related to digital literacies, the design of digital learning environments, and professional growth. Preq: Admission to the MAT in Middle Level Education program; or consent of instructor. Coreq: EDF 8801 .
  • EDF 8801 - Integration of Digital Media for Middle School Teachers Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDF 8800 . Coreq: EDF 8800 .
  • EDF 9010 - Seminar in the Learning Sciences I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    The first learning sciences seminar in which students investigate foundational concepts in the learning sciences, such as learning, instruction, assessment and environment. Readings and discussions focus on historical perspectives, major scholars, foundational ideas, research methods, and intellectual debates that have defined, challenged and changed the learning sciences. Preq: Admission to the graduate school.
  • EDF 9020 - Seminar in the Learning Sciences II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    The second learning sciences seminar in which students investigate foundational concepts in the learning sciences. Readings, assignments and discussions focus on historical perspectives, major scholars, foundational ideas, research methods, and intellectual debates that have defined, challenged and changed the learning sciences. Preq: EDF 9010  and admission to the graduate school.
  • EDF 9050 - Critical Look at Social Media, Games and Emerging Technologies

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Designed for students to better understand or expand their knowledge of social media, games and emerging technologies, and their implications for learning.
  • EDF 9080 - Advanced Educational Tests and Measurement

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theoretical and quantitative aspects of modern and classical test theory from the practitioner’s perspective; solving contemporary problems involving intra-student and class level comparisons of student progress; the subsequent impact of assessment on classroom high-stakes accountability decisions. Preq: EDF 8080  and EDF 8770  and admission to the graduate school.
  • EDF 9110 - Theoretical Foundations of Games for Learning

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    This course is designed for participants to consider concepts, methods and models connecting games-based research to practices in formal and informal educational contexts. Students explore social and behavioral science theories supporting principles of game play and design for learning while playing, deconstructing and prototyping simple games. Preq: Graduate standing.
  • EDF 9200 - Philosophy of Educational Research

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Course introduces doctoral students to the different philosophies of educational research and critical scholarship. Different epistemological stances and their application to educational research are examined. Students learn to define and discuss various epistemological and ontological perspectives and how they relate to educational research. Preq: Admission to a doctoral program or consent of instructor.
  • EDF 9210 - Independent Doctoral Study in Foundations

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral level study of selected topics in the learning sciences under the direction of a faculty member selected by the student. Student and faculty member develop a course of study different from existing courses and designed for the individual student. May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits if different topics are covered.
  • EDF 9270 - Quantitative Research Designs and Statistics for Educational Contexts

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Overview of quantitative research designs and bivariate and univariate statistics for single- and two-group studies frequently used in educational research. Students learn about the nature of quantitative research designs, how to design a study, and how quantitative designs relate to probability theory. Preq: Admission to a doctoral program or consent of instructor. Coreq: EDF 9271 .
  • EDF 9271 - Quantitative Research Designs and Statistics for Educational Contexts Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDF 9270 . Coreq: EDF 9270 .
  • EDF 9300 - Bioecological Perspectives on Development and Learning

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines human development and learning through the lens of Bioecological Systems Theory. Readings, assignments and discussions focus on how personal attributes, interactions, contextual systems, and time contribute to the development of learners across multiple domains. This course is open to graduate students across disciplines.
  • EDF 9310 - Learning Sciences Selected Topics Doctoral Study

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral level learning sciences topics not covered in other courses are selected for in-depth study and research. May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits if different topics are covered.
  • EDF 9700 - Identity, Schooling and Democratic Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines current theories of education that address the relationships between race, ethnicity, gender, social class and democratic education in American public schools.
  • EDF 9710 - Case Study and Ethnographic Research Methods and Design

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines case study and ethnographic research methods and design. Preq: EDF 9790 .
  • EDF 9720 - Phenomenology and Grounded Theory Research Methods and Design

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines phenomenology and grounded theory research methods and design. Preq: EDF 9790 .
  • EDF 9730 - Narrative and Historical Research Methods and Design

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines narrative and historical research methods and design. Preq: EDF 9790 .
  • EDF 9740 - Emerging Qualitative Research Methods and Design

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines emerging and lesser-known qualitative research methods and designs, such as self-study, portraiture, arts-based research, photovoice, rhizomatic analysis and critical policy analysis. Preq: EDF 9790 .

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