Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

This list includes for each course the catalog number, title, credit hours, class and laboratory hours per week, description and prerequisites.

A secondary listing in parentheses indicates that this course is cross-referenced with another program.

Graduate credit may be earned only for courses numbered 6000 or above. Each 6000-level course carries a 4000-level undergraduate counterpart. Students who receive graduate credit in such courses must do extra work of an appropriate nature as determined by the department and are graded according to graduate standards. Students who receive credit for the 4000-level course may not receive credit later for the same course at the 6000 level.

Courses at the 7000 level are designed primarily for the degrees that emphasize professional practice rather than research.


Educational Foundations

  • EDF 9750 - Mixed Methods Research

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines methods and designs for mixed methods methodology. Preq: EDF 9770  and EDF 9790 .
  • EDF 9760 - History of American Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Historical development of educational purpose and the social and cultural forces which shaped that development.
  • EDF 9770 - Multiple Regression / General Linear Model in Educational Research

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Intermediate inferential statistical methods course for educational research. Emphasis is on understanding the theory and application of univariate statistics and developing the ability to conduct independent empirical research in education. Preq: EDF 9270 .
  • EDF 9780 - Multivariate Educational Research

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides students with an understanding of the logic, concepts, methods, applications and limitations of the common types of multivariate statistical analysis used in educational research. Emphasis is given to the application of these analyses in educational research. Computer applications of the procedures are integrated into the course. Preq: EDF 9770 . Coreq: EDF 9781 .
  • EDF 9781 - Multivariate Educational Research Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDF 9780 . Coreq: EDF 9780 .
  • EDF 9790 - Qualitative Research in Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Application of qualitative studies to educational questions; nature of qualitative research; rationale and applications of qualitative research methods; integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods in educational research.
  • EDF (ED) 9800 - Internship in Curriculum and Instruction

    1-6 Credits (1-6 Contact Hours)
    Practical experiences linking the student’s program of study to his/her field of professional service. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. May also be offered as ED 9800 . Preq: Consent of advisor.
  • EDF 9810 - Design-Based Research Methods

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Addresses the perspectives and frameworks for conducting design-based research toward refining educational interventions and practices. Preq: Admission to the Graduate School.
  • EDF (ED, EDSP) 9910 - Doctoral Dissertation Research

    1-18 Credits (1-18 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral Dissertation Research. May also be offered as ED 9910  or EDSP 9910 .
  • EDF (ED, EDSP) 9940 - Directed Research

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    Research in a line of inquiry in education under the direction of faculty. May be taken with different faculty members. May be repeated for a maximum of 18 credits. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. May also be offered as ED 9940  or EDSP 9940 . Preq: EDF 8080  or EDF 8770  or consent of instructor.

Educational Leadership

  • EDL 7000 - Public School Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theoretical bases of school administration; organizational principles, patterns and practices in public schools; decision making; administration of programs and services. Preq: Three graduate education courses or consent of instructor.
  • EDL 7050 - The Principalship

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Roles and responsibilities of the principalship including the organization and administration of schools.
  • EDL 7100 - Organizational Theory for School Administrators

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory of management, communication, human relations, social systems, motivation, contingency, decision making and change. Preq: EDL 7000 .
  • EDL 7150 - School and Community Relationships

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Interdependence of school and community; identifying and defining societal expectations of schools and effect of these expectations on educational policy; impact of social, political, economic and demographic change on educational policy.
  • EDL 7200 - School Personnel Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    School personnel selection, practices and problems. Preq: EDL 7000  and EDL 7050 .
  • EDL 7250 - Legal Phases of School Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Legal principles involved in school administration and in court actions. Preq: EDL 7100 .
  • EDL 7300 - Techniques of Supervision-The Public Schools

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Improving, coordinating and evaluating instruction; modern trends of supervisory practices. Preq: EDL 7100 .
  • EDL 7350 - Educational Evaluation

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Evaluation theory and design applied to classroom instruction and to evaluation procedures applicable to school center and district programs and projects. Preq: EDL 7100 .
  • EDL 7400 - Curriculum Planning and Improvement for School Administrators

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Role of leadership in curriculum planning and improvement: curriculum evaluation and development, change, programmatic requirements, cocurriculum, organization, scheduling, planning, management and technology. Preq: EDL 7100 .
  • EDL 7450 - School Finance

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    School finance relative to programs, revenues and experience. Preq: EDL 7350 .
  • EDL 7500 - Elementary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience I

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    First practicum in a series of two with an experienced elementary/middle (pre-K-8) school principal or supervisor. EDL 7500 and EDL 7510  must be taken in a sequence in a single academic year. Preq: EDL 7050 . Coreq: EDL 7501 .
  • EDL 7501 - Elementary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience I Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 7500 . Coreq: EDL 7500 .
  • EDL 7510 - Elementary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience II

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Second practicum in a series of two with an experienced elementary/middle (pre-K-8) school principal or supervisor. EDL 7500  and EDF 7510 must be taken in a sequence in a single academic year. Preq: EDL 7500 . Coreq: EDL 7511 .
  • EDL 7511 - Elementary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience II Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 7510 . Coreq: EDL 7510 .
  • EDL 7550 - Secondary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience I

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    First practicum in a series of two with an experienced secondary (grades 7-12) principal or supervisor. EDL 7550 and EDL 7560  must be taken in a sequence in a single academic year. Preq: EDL 7050 . Coreq: EDL 7551 .
  • EDL 7551 - Secondary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience I Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 7550 . Coreq: EDL 7550 .
  • EDL 7560 - Secondary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience II

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Second practicum in a series of two with an experienced middle/high school (grades 7-12) principal or supervisor. EDL 7550  and EDF 7560 must be taken in a sequence in a single academic year. Preq: EDL 7550 . Coreq: EDL 7561 .
  • EDL 7561 - Secondary Principal and Supervisor Field Experience II Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 7560 . Coreq: EDL 7560 .
  • EDL 7650 - Assessment in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Outcomes assessment and institutional effectiveness movement including assessment techniques, instrument selection, analysis of assessment data and reporting of assessment findings. Preq: Consent of instructor. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDL 7950 - School Leadership Information Systems

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Use of computers and related technologies for decision making by public school leaders; logistics of information management, sources of information, communication with technology and integration of technology into the leadership function. Coreq: EDL 7951. Coreq: EDL 7951 .
  • EDL 7951 - School Leadership Information Systems Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 7950. Coreq: EDL 7950. Coreq: EDL 7950 .
  • EDL (EDF) 8000 - Philosophy, Schooling and Educational Policy

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Development of contemporary educational theory and its impact on current schooling practices and educational policy development. May also be offered as EDF 8000. May also be offered as EDF 8000 .
  • EDL 8050 - Advanced Educational Leadership: Theory and Practice

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Principles and theories of leadership as practiced in the institutional setting. Preq: EDL 7150 and EDL 7300. Preq: EDL 7150  and EDL 7300 .
  • EDL 8100 - Introduction to School Building Planning

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Planning of educational facilities from conception of need through utilization of facility. Preq: EDL 7000 . Coreq: EDL 8101 .
  • EDL 8101 - Introduction to School Building Planning Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 8100 . Coreq: EDL 8100 .
  • EDL 8150 - The Superintendency

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Current, in-depth study of the superintendency including relationships with school boards, faculty, staff and community. For practicing and aspiring educational administrators. Preq: Admission to the Educational Specialist program or the Educational Leadership doctoral program.
  • EDL 8200 - Politics of Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Politics of education in the United States including complex interrelationships among administrators, special interest groups, politicians and knowledge brokers.
  • EDL 8300 - Business Management in Education

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Fiscal management of individual schools and districts including budgeting, purchasing and accounting for funds. Preq: EDL 7250  and EDL 7450 . Coreq: EDL 8301 .
  • EDL 8301 - Business Management in Education Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 8300 . Coreq: EDL 8300 .
  • EDL 8390 - Research Methods in Educational Leadership

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research design and methods, including the collection and analyzation of data to improve practice. Preq: EDL 7000 ; or preq or concurrent enrollment: EDC 8010  or EDC 8050 .
  • EDL 8400 - Field Problems in School Administration and Supervision of Instruction

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Application of research techniques and practices in solution of field problems in school administration and supervision. Preq: EDF 8770  and EDL 7000 . Coreq: EDL 8401 .
  • EDL 8401 - Field Problems in School Administration and Supervision of Instruction Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 8400 . Coreq: EDL 8400 .
  • EDL 8500 - Practicum in School System Leadership I

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    First in a two-semester practicum with an experienced school-system-level administrator or supervisor. Preq: EDF 8000  or EDL 8000 ; and EDL 8050  and EDL 8150 ; or consent of instructor. Coreq: EDL 8501 .
  • EDL 8501 - Practicum in School System Leadership I Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 8500 . Coreq: EDL 8500 .
  • EDL 8510 - Practicum in School System Leadership II

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Second in a two-semester practicum with an experienced school-system-level administrator or supervisor. Preq: EDL 8500 . Coreq: EDL 8511 .
  • EDL 8511 - Practicum in School System Leadership II Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 8510 . Coreq: EDL 8510 .
  • EDL 8550 - Applied Research and Evaluation in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Basic issues of measurement emphasizing questionnaire development, scales and measures commonly used in higher education research, assessment and program evaluation.
  • EDL 8760 - College Teaching

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
  • EDL 8850 - Selected Topics in Educational Administration

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Current literature and results of current research. Topics vary from year to year. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
  • EDL 8950 - Advanced Field Designs for Educational Personnel

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Presents state-of-the-art field designs and multivariate statistics for education personnel; and provides hands-on experience with advanced statistical procedures using PASW and AMOS. Addresses demands by publicists and policy makers, and is particularly valuable for PhD students in education pursuing research in curriculum, policy, diversity and leadership. Preq: STAT 8010 . Coreq: EDL 8951 .
  • EDL 8951 - Advanced Field Designs for Educational Personnel Laboratory

    0 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 8950 . Coreq: EDL 8950 .
  • EDL 9000 - Principles of Educational Leadership

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Advanced leadership theory; the nature of leadership, major theories of leadership and their application in educational organizations. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership.
  • EDL 9050 - Theory and Practice in Educational Leadership

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Advanced organizational and leadership theory; major theories of organization and their applications in understanding the roles of governmental agencies in society. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership.
  • EDL 9100 - Introductory Doctoral Seminar

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Educational leadership for beginning doctoral students providing an introduction to the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of educational leadership for both public school and higher education administration. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9110 - Systematic Inquiry in Educational Leadership

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduces entry level doctoral students to multiple approaches in inquiry practices for the field of educational leadership. Preq: Admission to doctoral program in Educational Leadership and consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9150 - Educational Planning

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Systems approach to planning and management; the measurement and interpretation of performance results.
  • EDL 9250 - Instructional Leadership

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Students examine concepts associated with instructional leadership as such concepts pertain to building-level and district-level leaders.
  • EDL 9290 - The Academic Profession

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Students experience a structured, historicized and scholarly grounded approach to learning about the academic profession. Readings, discussion, analytical writing, and practical exercises focus on central features and challenges relevant to the academic profession.
  • EDL 9500 - Educational Policy Studies

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Critical analysis of the sources and nature of educational policy and how policy is developed, administered and assessed for public schools. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership.
  • EDL 9550 - The Two-Year College

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Historical developments, functions, organization and administration of the two-year college. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership or consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9600 - Legal Principles in the Administration of Institutions of Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    General principles of higher education law from the points of view of statute and common law practice. Preq: Admission to doctoral studies or consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9620 - Governance in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Exposes students to literature on the organization and governance of higher education institutions. Helps future leaders of higher education understand the distinctive organizational and behavioral features of postsecondary institutions and gives them the knowledge base to make better decisions for their institutions. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership or consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9650 - Higher Education Finance

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Higher education finance relative to sources of revenue, expenditures and planning.
  • EDL 9700 - Foundations of Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Survey of American higher education including its historical, political, philosophical and social aspects. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership.
  • EDL 9720 - Ethics in Educational Leadership

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    The ethical issues involved in administering educational institutions; moral leadership, ethical work environments and decision-making models.
  • EDL 9750 - College Teaching

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Comprehensive preparation for teaching at the college level: course design and development around student outcomes/objectives; teaching strategies that motivate today’s diverse students and promote active, multimodal, collaborative and experiential learning; assessment of student learning and teaching effectiveness; institutional issues; and job search preparation. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9760 - External Effectiveness in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Optimum structures and strategies for fund raising, public relations, constituent relations, governmental affairs and governing boards necessary for a college or university to communicate effectively with its constituents.
  • EDL 9770 - Diversity Issues in Higher Education

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Students read research and analyze information highlighting the complex nature of diversity issues in postsecondary environments. Students also examine the history of student diversity in higher education and explore the impact of multicultural higher educational environments on students, faculty and postsecondary institutions. Preq: Admission to PhD program in Educational Leadership or consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9800 - Current Issues in Educational Leadership

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Topics and issues as determined by the needs of the students and the instructor. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9850 - Internship in Educational Leadership I

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    First in a two-semester internship to provide experience in leadership role under the guidance of an experienced field mentor at the student’s chosen level of specialization in educational leadership (public schools or institutions of higher education). Preq: EDL 9000  and EDL 9050  and EDL 9100 ; or consent of advisor. Coreq: EDL 9851 .
  • EDL 9851 - Internship in Educational Leadership I Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 9850 . Coreq: EDL 9850 .
  • EDL 9860 - Internship in Educational Leadership

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Internship to provide experiences in leadership research under the guidance of an experienced leadership researcher. Preq: EDL 9000  and EDL 9050  and EDL 9100 ; or consent of instructor. Coreq: EDL 9861 .
  • EDL 9861 - Internship in Educational Leadership Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany EDL 9860 . Coreq: EDL 9860 .
  • EDL 9880 - Directed Research

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    First in a sequence of three required post-candidacy courses in which students refine the conceptual basis for their research questions in directed study with faculty. Preq: Admission to doctoral candidacy or consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9890 - Advanced Doctoral Seminar I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Explores educational leadership topics. Culminates in the selection of a topic for presentation and approval and the development of Chapter I of a prospectus. Preq: EDL 9000  and EDL 9050  and EDL 9100  and consent of instructor.
  • EDL 9910 - Doctoral Dissertation Research

    1-18 Credits (1-18 Contact Hours)
    Doctoral Dissertation Research

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ECE 6040 - Semiconductor Devices

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Consideration of the principles of operation, external characteristics, and applications of some of the more important semiconductor devices presently available. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 3200 before enrolling in this course. Additionally, students are expected to have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, a course comparable to either MATH 3110 or MATH 4340 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6060 - Introduction to Microelectronics Processing

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Microelectronic processing, MOS and bipolar monolithic circuit fabrication, thick and thin film hybrid fabrication, applications to linear and digital circuits, fundamentals of device design. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 3200 before enrolling in this course. Additionally, students are expected to have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, a course comparable to MATH 3110 or MATH 4340 when enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6160 - Smart Grid

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    This introductory course on smart grid covers the concepts and technologies that transform the traditional power system into an intelligent power system, now referred to as the smart grid. The interdisciplinary technologies needed for this transformation are introduced in this course.
  • ECE 6170 - Elements of Software Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Foundations of software design, reasoning about software, the calculus of programs, survey of formal specification techniques and design languages. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3220 and ECE 3520 and MATH 4190 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6180 - Power System Analysis

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of power system planning and operational problems. Topics include load flow, economic dispatch, fault studies, transient stability, and control of problems. System modeling and computer solutions are emphasized through class projects. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3600 and ECE 3800 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6190 - Electric Machines and Drives

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Performance, characteristics, and modeling of AC and DC machines during steady-state and transient conditions. Introduction to power electronics devices and their use in adjustable speed motor drives. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3210 and ECE 3600 and ECE 3800 before enrolling in this course. Additionally, students are expected to have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, a course comparable to MATH 4340 when enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6200 - Renewable Energy Penetration on the Power Grid

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduces the basic definition of electrical power, interfacing primary sources, generator/load characteristics, and renewable energy resources. Topics include solar energy grid interfacing, wind energy grid interfacing, battery charging/management, harmonic distortion, voltage sags, and national standards. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 2070 or ECE 3200 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6220 - Electronic System Design I

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Emphasizes the application of theory and skills to the design, building, and testing of an electronic system with both analog and digital components. Application varies each semester. Computer software tools are used extensively in the design process. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3210 and ECE 3300 and ECE 3600 and ECE 3710 and ECE 3810 before enrolling in this course. Coreq: ECE 6221 .
  • ECE 6221 - Electronic System Design I Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany ECE 6220 . Coreq: ECE 6220 .
  • ECE 6290 - Organization of Computers

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Computer organization and architecture. Topics include a review of logic circuits, bus structures, memory organization, interrupt structures, arithmetic units, input-output structures, state generation, central processor organization, control function implementation, and data communication. Registered Transfer Language (RTL) for description and design of digital systems. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 2720 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6300 - Digital Communications

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to modern digital communication systems, emphasizing modulation and detection, taking into account the effects of noise. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3170 and ECE 3300 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6310 - Introduction to Computer Vision

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    The purpose of a computer vision system is to take data, usually in the form of one or more images, and produce information. This course covers the mainstream theories of computer vision used to build such systems. Several examples, such as optical character recognition, are implemented in assignments.
  • ECE 6320 - Instrumentation

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory and analysis of transducers and related circuits and instrumentation. Generalized configurations and performance characteristics of instruments are considered. Transducer devices for measuring physical parameters such as motion, force, torque, pressure, flow, and temperature are discussed. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 3210 before enrolling in this course. Additionally, students are expected to have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, a course comparable to MATH 3110 or MATH 4340 when enrolling in this course..
  • ECE 6350 - Grounding and Shielding

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility concepts and techniques for students who will be designing or working with electronic systems when they graduate. Topics include electromagnetic interference and noise control, crosstalk and signal integrity, grounding, filtering, shielding, circuit board layout, lighting and electrostatic discharge protection. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 3810 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6360 - Microwave Circuits

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Analysis of microwave networks comprising transmission lines, waveguides, passive elements, interconnects, and active solid state microwave circuits. Use of modern CAD tools to design RF/Microwave passive/active networks. Fabrication of typical circuits. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 3810 before enrolling in this course. Additionally, students are expected to have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in a course comparable to MATH 3110 or MATH 4340 when enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6370 - Microelectromechanical Systems

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the basic materials in current microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), as well as the fundamental sensing and actuation mechanisms therein. Students also learn the basic fabrication techniques for bulk and surface micromachining, discuss the primary forces in MEMS devices, and study the basic micro mechanical structures and microfluidics. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to CH 1020 and PHYS 1220 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6380 - Computer Communications

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Digital data transmission techniques, modems and communications channels, communications software and protocols, multiprocessors and distributed processing; concurrency and cooperation of dispersed processors.
  • ECE 6390 - Fiber Optics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Covers the underlying principles of design for optical fibers in practical systems. Examines optical fiber as a wave-guide using wave optics and ray optics. Discusses design criteria for using mono- and multi-mode fibers. Other topics include fabrication, measurement. Students are expected to have completed a course comparable to ECE 3810 before enrolling in this course. Additionally, students are expected to have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, a course comparable to MATH 4340 when enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6400 - Performance Analysis of Local Computer Networks

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the design and performance analysis of local computer networks. Emphasizes performance analysis of representative multi-access procedures. Three common types of networks are considered in detail. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 2720 and ECE 3170 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6420 - Knowledge Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge engineering or applied artificial intelligence. Topics include symbolic representation structures and manipulation, unification, production systems and structures, rule-based and expert systems, planning and AI system architectures; system design in PROLOG and LISP. Project is required. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3220 and ECE 3520 before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6460 - Antennas and Propagation

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of the theoretical and practical aspects of antenna design and utilization, input impedances, structural considerations, and wave propagation. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to ECE 3300 and ECE 3810, as well as a course comparable to either MATH 3110 or MATH 4340, before enrolling in this course.
  • ECE 6490 - Computer Network Security

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Hands-on practicum in the administration and security of modern network service emphasizing intrusion prevention techniques, detection, and recovery. Preq: Graduate standing in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Coreq: ECE 6491 .
  • ECE 6491 - Computer Network Security Laboratory

    0 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany ECE 6490 . Coreq: ECE 6490 .
  • ECE 6550 - Robot Manipulators

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Analysis of robot manipulator systems with special focus on interaction of these technologies with society. Emphasis is on rigid-link robot manipulator systems. Topics include history of robot technology, kinematics, dynamics, control, and operator interfaces. Case studies reinforce impact of robot technology on society and vice versa. Students are expected to have completed courses comparable to MATH 2060 and MATH 3110 before enrolling in this course.

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