Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

This list includes for each course the catalog number, title, credit hours, class and laboratory hours per week, description and prerequisites.

A secondary listing in parentheses indicates that this course is cross-referenced with another program.

Graduate credit may be earned only for courses numbered 6000 or above. Each 6000-level course carries a 4000-level undergraduate counterpart. Students who receive graduate credit in such courses must do extra work of an appropriate nature as determined by the department and are graded according to graduate standards. Students who receive credit for the 4000-level course may not receive credit later for the same course at the 6000 level.

Courses at the 7000 level are designed primarily for the degrees that emphasize professional practice rather than research.



  • ARCH 8400 - Design Studio

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Studio for students entering the Master of Architecture program with undergraduate degrees in subjects other than Architecture or Environmental Design. Considers aspects of visualization and representation of architecture, the history and theory of architecture, architectural technology and strategies of design. Coreq: ARCH 8100 .
  • ARCH 8410 - Architecture Studio I

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Studio course focused on increasingly complex works of architecture at various scales for different physical site conditions. Coreq: ARCH 8100 .
  • ARCH 8420 - Architecture Studio II

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Studio course focused on architectural materials and assembly. Course is comprised of architectural design explorations of increasing complexity. Students develop a detailed sectional model of their design proposal. Preq: ARCH 8410 .
  • ARCH 8500 - Architecture Studio

    6 Credits (18 Contact Hours)
    Architectural design studies in the context of the Genoa urban setting. May substitute for ARCH 8530 or ARCH 8540 and for ARCH 8570  with consent of advisor.
  • ARCH 8510 - Design Studio III

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Design studio for projects of relative complexity, with varied scales and programs, focusing on investigative skills, fundamental design skills, sustainability, and technical documentation. Emphasizes the relationship between architecture, site, and context in preparation for more advanced design projects and off-campus study.
  • ARCH 8520 - Design Studio IV

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Design studio for projects of relative complexity, with varied scales and programs, with an emphasis on pre-design, sustainability, site design, and collaborative processes. Emphasizes the relationship between architecture, site, and context. Studio may be located in Clemson, Charleston, Barcelona, or Genoa. Preq: ARCH 8510 .
  • ARCH 8550 - Studio South

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Addresses architectural problems with varied scales and programs in the context of the South. Emphasizes the relationship between architecture, community and context. Projects involve collaboration with other disciplines in the studio to result in architectural solutions for the built environment. Design problems vary according to current issues in the South. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Preq: ARCH 8420  or consent of program coordinator.
  • ARCH 8570 - Design Studio V

    6 Credits (18 Contact Hours)
    Design studio for increasingly comprehensive design projects, with varied scales and programs, with an emphasis on pre-design, site design, sustainability, and collaborative processes. Emphasizes the relationship between architecture, site and context. Studio may be located in Clemson, Charleston, Barcelona or Genoa. Preq: ARCH 8520 .
  • ARCH 8580 - Thesis Research

    3 Credits (9 Contact Hours)
    Architectural predesign inventory and analysis for the thesis project.
  • ARCH 8590 - Thesis Manuscript

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Architectural predesign synthesis of research for the thesis project. Preq: ARCH 8580 .
  • ARCH 8600 - Architectural History and Theory I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Overview of architecture and urbanism from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, emphasizing the trajectory of western modernity, historical transformations of architectural practices, and the theoretical, philosophical and cultural foundations of changing design approaches. Close readings of primary and secondary sources are complemented by analytical studies of noteworthy precedents.
  • ARCH 8610 - Architectural History and Theory II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of architecture and urbanism from 1850 to 1950 through thematic investigations, historical narratives and social critiques in order to reveal past theorists’ and practitioners’ responses to those cultural and technological changes that remain similar today. Close readings of primary and secondary sources complement analytical studies of noteworthy precedents. Preq: ARCH 8600 .
  • ARCH 8620 - Architectural History and Theory III

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of architecture and urbanism from 1950, emphasizing challenges to early twentieth century modernism, the emergence of new urban, suburban, ecological, cultural and technological sensibilities, and the roots of contemporary architecture. Close readings of primary and secondary sources complement analytical studies of noteworthy precedents.
  • ARCH 8630 - History and Theory of Landscape and Urbanism

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Cultivates different ways of seeing, representing and understanding the landscape and the city. Both landscape and city are viewed as dynamic, living systems evolving from Roman, Medieval, Baroque, Industrial, Idealized and non-Western roots and shaped by political, economic, social, cultural and physical intentions and incidents.
  • ARCH 8640 - Architectural History and Theory IV

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Investigation of emerging architectural trends and urban phenomena prepares students for advanced history/theory electives, independent research and architectural practice in the decades ahead through the study of such topics as globalization and non-western architecture, mega-cities, sprawl and urbanization, energy and infrastructure, landscape and urban design, science and sustainability. Preq: ARCH 8620 .
  • ARCH 8650 - Topics in Health Policy, Planning and Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides a general overview of the context for the planning and design of healthcare organizations and health care facilities in the United States. Major current trends and issues in public policy, planning and the business of health care organizations are covered.
  • ARCH (ECE) 8680 - Architectural Robotics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Focuses on understanding, developing and testing robotic systems for the built environment. Collaborative teams of students from Electrical and Computer Engineering and Architecture and their allied disciplines study and develop working robotic prototypes responsive to challenges and opportunities of living in today’s built and natural environments. May also be offered as ECE 8680 . Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8690 - Selected Topics in History, Theory and Criticism

    1-5 Credits (1-5 Contact Hours)
    Critical consideration of special topics in architectural history, theory and criticism from which students construct their own informed and reasoned ideas about what the topic means for their own developing architectural practices. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Preq: ARCH 8600  and ARCH 8610 .
  • ARCH 8700 - Structures I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Forces and their applications to statically determinate structural elements and systems are examined through load tracing; the interrelationship between stress and strain; and stability and the implication of tension, compression, shear, torsion and bending.
  • ARCH 8710 - Structures II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Addresses advanced topics in structures, exterior envelopes and contemporary production technologies. Continues the exploration of structural elements and systems, expanding to include more complex determinant, indeterminate, long-span and high-rise systems. Preq: ARCH 8700  or consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8720 - Productions and Assemblies

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Overview of traditional and contemporary materials and methods of construction. Combines lectures with hands-on lab experience to examine traditional and contemporary modes of construction, their selection, impact and reuse. Coreq: ARCH 8721 .
  • ARCH 8721 - Productions and Assemblies Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany ARCH 8720 . Coreq: ARCH 8720 .
  • ARCH 8730 - Environmental Systems

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines in detail the relationship between human comfort and the design of building envelopes and environmental systems. Covers the evolution of contemporary environmental systems and their appropriate application and integration with other design issues. Coreq: ARCH 8731 .
  • ARCH 8731 - Environmental Systems Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany ARCH 8730 . Coreq: ARCH 8730 .
  • ARCH 8740 - Building Processes: Technical Resolution

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Develops the designer’s ability to assess, select and conceptually integrate structural systems, building envelope systems, environmental systems, life-safety systems and building service systems in a sustainable building design. Coreq: ARCH 8741 .
  • ARCH 8741 - Building Processes: Technical Resolution Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany ARCH 8740 . Coreq: ARCH 8740 .
  • ARCH 8750 - Construction and Building Systems

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Sets a standard level of building technology preparation for entering graduate Architecture students who have an undergraduate architectural degree that included courses in architectural technology. Main focus is on analyzing how construction and building systems contribute to architectural design.
  • ARCH 8760 - Smart Materials and Kinetic Structures

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of adaptive and kinetic systems and structures in architecture using smart and emergent materials. This course explores the materials, methods and means for buildings to transform and adjust to different functions or climatic conditions and allow various performances. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8780 - Lighting for Architecture

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Studies interrelationships among the fields that constitute lighting and impact on building form, materials and spatial use. Also considers contributions of daylight and electric light to human response and performance. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8790 - Selected Topics in Architectural Technology

    1-5 Credits (1-5 Contact Hours)
    Critical consideration of special topics in architectural technology from which students construct their own informed and reasoned ideas about what the topic means for their own developing architectural practices. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
  • ARCH 8810 - Professional Practice Survey

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides an understanding of the basic principles and legal aspects of architectural practice organization: financial management; risk mitigation and arbitration; business planning; time, project and personnel management; client, owner and user needs; selecting consultants; project delivery methods; internship, licensure and registration; professional leadership; ethical standards; and expanding practice settings.
  • ARCH 8820 - Building Economics, Costs and Legal Issues

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Explores economic factors determining materials, building components and methods of construction. Legal aspects of design are discussed in the context of building cost. Preq: ARCH 8810  or consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8860 - Health Facilities Planning and Design

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Current planning and design considerations for healthcare facilities. Conducted as a series of professional seminars examining overall infrastructural planning and design considerations and detailed considerations for specific areas in hospitals. Topics are covered by Architecture + Health faculty and nationally recognized practitioners. Coreq: ARCH 8970 .
  • ARCH 8890 - Mentorship

    1-6 Credits (1-6 Contact Hours)
    Mentorship in professional practice. Paid work/study in a variety of related disciplines provides students with hands-on experience in design and fabrication fields relevant to the environmental design professions. Consists of two parts: a professional component, managed by an approved sponsor and an academic component, taught by the instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 18 credits. Preq: Consent of instructor and acceptance by sponsor.
  • ARCH 8900 - Directed Studies

    1-5 Credits (1-5 Contact Hours)
    Special topics in architecture undertaken on an individual basis with faculty guidance. Preq: Consent of advisor.
  • ARCH 8910 - Thesis Project

    3-9 Credits (3-9 Contact Hours)
    Complex architectural project emphasizing design exploration and independent work. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: ARCH 8570  and ARCH 8580 .
  • ARCH 8920 - Comprehensive Studio

    6 Credits (18 Contact Hours)
    Architectural design studies addressing comprehensive building projects. Topics include site design, programming, building systems design and materials selection. Final product is a complete building design with detailed drawings and models. Preq: ARCH 8570  or ARCH 8960 .
  • ARCH 8930 - Synthesis Studio

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Studio themes and programs, defined by individual critics, carry an educational objective and present an opportunity for the critic to develop with his/her students a specific area of work or research. Culminates in a comprehensive proposal. Students are expected to have completed their second-year studio before enrolling in this course.
  • ARCH 8940 - Research Studio

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Themes and programs, defined by individual critics, carry an educational objective and present an opportunity for the critic to develop with his/her students a specific area of work or research. Preq: ARCH 8930 .
  • ARCH 8950 - Architecture + Health Studio: Selected Projects

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    Studio for students in Architecture + Health Concentration offering selected projects engaging a variety of health-related topics from health community design, sustainable/green architecture, long-term care and community health-care projects associated with health and wellbeing. Projects executed are similar to professional practice, combining teamwork with individual design alternatives. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8960 - Architecture + Health Studio: Tectonic Projects

    6 Credits (12 Contact Hours)
    Studio for students in Architecture + Health Concentration focused on the design and technical development of small-scale healthcare projects and spaces. Projects are often conducted by interdisciplinary teams as design-build projects where full-scale mock ups are conceived and constructed for evaluation and research. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ARCH 8970 - Architecture + Health Studio: Hospital and Urban Design

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    Studio course for students in Architecture + Health Concentration, focused on the master planning and conceptual design of an academic medical center or hospital within an urban context. The master planning and design problem is preceded by a comparative analysis of both urban structures and hospital structures. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Coreq: ARCH 8860 .


  • ART 6050 - Advanced Drawing

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Advanced level studies of drawing which explore the synthesis of refined drawing skills and philosophies of art. Students’ understanding of drawing as a form of art is developed through studio practice augmented by critiques, demonstrations, lectures, field trips, and independent research. Preq: ART 3050 or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6070 - Advanced Painting

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Advanced studio course in painting. Students select painting media and develop a strong direction based on prior painting experience. Includes study of contemporary painters and directions. Preq: ART 3070 or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6090 - Advanced Sculpture

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Intensive independent studio concentration to further develop personal direction and content. Emphasizes continued investigation of sculptural context, materials and processes, and relative historical research. Preq: ART 3090 or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6110 - Advanced Printmaking

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Culmination of process, techniques, and individual development. Students are expected to have mastered process and technique for the benefit of the image produced. Creativity and self-expression are highly emphasized as students select a process for concentrated study. Preq: ART 3110 or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6130 - Advanced Photography

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of ART 3130. Advanced problems in photography. Preq: ART 3130 or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6170 - Advanced Ceramic Arts

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Students are directed toward further development of ideas and skills. Glaze calculation and firing processes are incorporated to allow for a dynamic integration of form and ideas. Preq: ART 3170 or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6200 - Selected Topics in Art

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Intense course in studio art. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits, but only if different topics are covered. Preq: Senior standing or consent of instructor.
  • ART 6900 - Directed Studies

    1-5 Credits (1-5 Contact Hours)
    Study of areas in the visual arts not included in other courses or additional advanced work. Must be arranged with a specific instructor prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of 18 credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ART 8030 - Fundamentals of Visual Art

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Intensive introduction of visual art and design fundamentals. Includes two- and three-dimensional studio work with emphasis on time-based media and design.
  • ART 8050 - Visual Arts Seminar on Theories and Practice I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Issues related to the practice of the artist, emphasizing theories and criticism of contemporary art.
  • ART 8060 - Visual Arts Seminar on Theories and Practice II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of ART 8050 .
  • ART 8130 - Photo-Based Imaging Theories and Techniques

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Offers in-depth examination of photographic imaging processes for artistic expression, utilizing both traditional and digital tools and concepts. Preq: Master of Fine Arts student or consent of instructor.
  • ART 8210 - Visual Narrative

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Students develop visual communication skills through the vernacular of cinema, and express concepts and ideas in sequential narrative design. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ART 8400 - Visual Arts Studio

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    Studio work in visual arts with adjunct lectures and gallery tours. May be substituted for ART 8000-level visual arts studio.
  • ART 8500 - Visual Arts Studio

    3 Credits (9 Contact Hours)
    Concentrated and advanced work in ceramics, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, graphic design, or multimedia. Preq: Consent of department chair or instructor.
  • ART 8510 - Visual Arts Studio

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of ART 8500 . May be repeated for maximum of six credits. Preq: Consent of department chair or instructor.
  • ART 8700 - Visual Arts Studio

    3-6 Credits (9-18 Contact Hours)
    Advanced theory; directed research in art criticism; applied work in ceramic arts, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, or multimedia. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Preq: Consent of department chair or instructor.
  • ART 8710 - Visual Arts Studio

    3-6 Credits (3-6 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of ART 8700 . May be repeated for maximum of six credits. Preq: Consent of department chair or instructor.
  • ART 8800 - Visual Arts Studio

    3-15 Credits (3-15 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of ART 8710 . May be repeated for maximum of 15 credits. Preq: Consent of department chair or instructor.
  • ART 8910 - Master’s Thesis Research

    3-15 Credits (3-15 Contact Hours)
    May be repeated for maximum of 15 credits. Preq: Consent of department chair or instructor.

Art and Architectural History

  • AAH 6110 - Directed Research in Art History I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Comprehensive studies and research of special topics not covered in other courses. Emphasis is on field studies, research activities, and current developments in art history.
  • AAH 6120 - Directed Research in Art History II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of AAH 4110/AAH 6110 .
  • AAH 6230 - Studies in the Art and Architecture of the Renaissance I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Consideration of the visual arts and architectural monuments of the Renaissance (Western Europe from the 15th-18th centuries), with a study in depth of selected examples from the period. Preq: AAH 2040 or AAH 2060 or consent of instructor.
  • AAH 6240 - Studies in the Art and Architecture of the Renaissance II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Consideration of the visual arts and architectural monuments of the Renaissance (Western Europe from the 15th-18th centuries), with a study in depth of selected examples from the period. Preq: AAH 4230.
  • AAH 6300 - Twentieth Century Art I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Acquaints students with the major artists’ monuments and issues of the Modern period in art. Through lecture/discussions and the reading of primary sources, course places the major modern movements in the context of the period (1860s - 1945). Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AAH 6320 - Twentieth Century Art II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Overview of trends in art and architecture since World War II. Specific artists, artworks, and movements are presented in a socio/historic context with specific emphasis on the transition from a late-modernist to a post-modern perspective. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AAH 8150 - Art and Architectural History Seminar I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Particular aspect of period of art/architectural history. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AAH 8160 - Art and Architectural History Seminar II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of AAH 8150 .
  • AAH (COMM, ENGL) 8400 - Selected Topics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Independent/directed study; tutorial work in linguistics, professional communication, or American, British or European literature not offered in other courses. May also be offered as COMM 8400  or ENGL 8400 . Preq: Consent of director of MA in English or MA in Professional Communication program.


  • ASTR 8020 - Stellar Structure and Evolution

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Physical principles governing the structure, power, luminosity and evolution of stars; equation of state, equations for pressure and thermal balance, heat transport, thermonuclear power and numerical techniques of structure calculation. Preq: PHYS 4550 or consent of instructor.
  • ASTR 8030 - Galactic Structure

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Kinematics, dynamics and content of the Milky Way galaxy; galactic rotation, galactic distance scale, stellar populations, spiral structure, the galactic center and the evolution of the Milky Way and other galaxies. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ASTR 8100 - Astrophysics I: Radiation Processes and Measurements

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Physical principles governing radiative processes in and measuring radiation from astrophysical environments. Coverage includes approaches to radiative transfer, fundamental theory of radiation fields, emission and absorption processes, plasma effects, telescope optics and image formation, astronomical instrument design, photon detector and function. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ASTR 8200 - Astrophysics II: Stellar Astrophysics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Physical and observational parameterization of stars, statistical mechanics and equations of state applied to stellar interiors, stellar energy transport mechanisms, nuclear reactions in astrophysics, construction of stellar models, adiabatic stellar pulsations, stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis, degenerate stars, and supernovae. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ASTR 8300 - Astrophysics III: Galactic Astronomy

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Physical processes in the interstellar medium, physics of dust grains, physical models of and observational constraints on star formation and protostellar evolution and protoplanetary disks, (thermo)dynamics of stellar systems, models of galaxy formation, the Milky Way as a galaxy, stellar populations, galactic dynamics and chemical evolution. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ASTR 8400 - Astrophysics IV: Cosmology

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Course covers galaxies and cosmology. Topics include observed cosmological properties of the universe, physics and observed properties of active galactic nuclei and quasars and their use as cosmological probes, cosmological models, galaxy formation and evolution, large-scale structure in the universe, and primordial nucleosynthesis. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • ASTR 8750 - Selected Topics

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Study of one or more advanced topics in contemporary astrophysics. May be repeated for credit, but only if different topics are covered. Preq: Consent of instructor.

Athletic Leadership

  • AL 6530 - Athletic Injuries: Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Gives students an understanding of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation procedures of injured athletes. Preq: AL 3490.
  • AL 8440 - Survey of Research Methods in Intercollegiate Athletics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    This course introduces students to research ethics, processes, and methods in the context of intercollegiate athletics. Students explore qualitative, quantitiative and mixed methods research adn develop their own research questions.
  • AL 8490 - Athletic Leadership Development

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Investigation of leadership principles and theories as they relate to collegiate athletic coaching and the effect they have on the performance of the collegiate academic athlete. Collegiate coaching responsibilities and requirements for various levels of appointment are examined. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AL 8500 - Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    In this course, students discuss, examine and implement topics and theories regarding exercise metabolism, strength conditioning and performance, and sports nutrition. Topics include metabolism and performance, substrate metabolism, sport performance training, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, and aerobic performance. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.
  • AL 8510 - Intercollegiate Athletics Facility Management and Planning

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines the principles of facility operations and event management in intercollegiate athletics and investigates the unique challenges leaders face in the context of developing, implementing and hosting athletic events at the college level. Business theories, leadership theories and strategic management are applied to issues relating to facility management. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.
  • AL 8530 - Legal Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines the legal aspects of intercollegiate athletics and the related concerns of athletic directors. Focus is placed on institutional, administrative and coaching legal responsibilities that have a direct impact on the management of athletic programs. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.
  • AL 8610 - Athletic Leadership for Intercollegiate Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Investigates effective leadership principles and theories relative to the supervision and administrative responsibilities of intercollegiate athletics. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AL 8620 - Psychological Issues in Collegiate Athletics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Investigation and intervention of psychological issues that athletes, coaches and administrators face at the collegiate level. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AL 8630 - Sociological Dynamics in Intercollegiate Athletics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines the sociological aspects and impacts of intercollegiate athletics. Topics such as social dynamics, team cohesion, gender, race and social class are considered to bring understanding to college athletics as a social network. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.
  • AL 8640 - Ethical Issues in Collegiate Athletic Administration

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Investigation of current ethical issues and the promotion of positive character development in collegiate athletic programs. Preq: Consent of instructor.
  • AL 8650 - Marketing and Communication Responsibilities in Intercollegiate Athletics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines the roles and responsibilities of intercollegiate athletic departments, coaches and athletes in regards to public relations, mass media and social media in sports communication. Additionally, this course examines and explains the media expectations, requirements and limitations of an athletic department. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.
  • AL 8700 - Intercollegiate Athletics Finance

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Aspiring athletic program administrators and coaches gain knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of intercollegiate athletic departments and coaches with regard to financial management. The course examines everyday financial decision making in intercollegiate athletics in the areas of departmental management, athletic program improvements, and individual sport sustainability. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.
  • AL 8710 - Governance and Policy in Intercollegiate Athletics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides an in-depth look into the governance structures at the national, state and institutional levels impacting intercollegiate athletics. Students review internal and external governance processes and learn how to develop policies and procedures for effective practice in the areas of administration and coaching in collegiate athletics. Preq: Acceptance to the Athletic Leadership masters program.

Audio Technology

  • AUD 6800 - Audio Engineering II

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Advanced course in music technology focused on music production integrating digital audio and virtual instruments. Preq: AUD 2850; and AUD 3800; and PHYS 2080 or PHYS 2210; each with a C or better. Coreq: AUD 6801 .
  • AUD 6801 - Audio Engineering II Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany AUD 6800 . Coreq: AUD 6800 .
  • AUD 6990 - Independent Study in Audio Technology

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Tutorial work for students with special interests in audio study outside the scope of existing courses. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Preq: Consent of department chair.

Automotive Engineering

  • AUE 6010 - Vehicle Dynamics

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Fundamental concepts in the dynamic behavior of ground vehicles, mainly two- and four-wheeled vehicles, are discussed. The application of dynamic systems modeling and analysis are stressed to bring understanding to ride performance, handling and straight-line running. Practical considerations in vehicle design and its influence on vehicle performance are discussed. Preq: ME 3050. Coreq: AUE 6011 .
  • AUE 6011 - Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany AUE 6010 . Coreq: AUE 6010 .
  • AUE 8160 - Engine Combustion and Emissions

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Spark and compression ignition engines are investigated in terms of design, performance and emissions. Includes exergy models. Integrates theory of fuel air cycles with laboratory breakdown and dynamometer testing to correlate prevalent mathematic models with test results. Coreq: AUE 8161 .
  • AUE 8161 - Engine Combustion and Emissions Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany AUE 8160 . Coreq: AUE 8160 .
  • AUE 8170 - Alternative Energy Sources

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Demand for petroleum alternative propulsion sources has focused attention on hybrid vehicles with fuel cells, electric motors and battery packs and internal combustion engines burning hydrogen and reformulated fuels. Comparison of performance, emissions, fuel efficiency, operational requirements and vehicle configurations is studied.
  • AUE 8180 - Engine System Analysis, Design and Experimentation

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    This course explores internal combustion engine simulation, experimental analysis, and component design with a focus on thermodynamics, heat transfer, combustion and fluid dynamics. A term project integrates simulation software with experimental data analysis to allow students to design, build and test components. Preq: AUE 8160 . Coreq: AUE 8181 .

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