Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

This list includes for each course the subject abbreviation, catalog number, title, credit hours, class or laboratory hours per week, description, requirements and prerequisites.

4000/6000-Level Courses

If a 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart, this is noted in the course description of the 4000-level course.

Cross-Referenced Courses

A cross-referenced course is one that can be taken for credit under different departmental subjects. For example, students can take Herpetology as either BIOL 4680  or WFB 4680 . The student should select the desired departmental subject abbreviation in conference with an advisor. The departmental subject abbreviation may be changed only during the period allowed by the University calendar for adding a course.


Career Center Internship Program

  • INT 1540 - UPIC Internship Part-Time 4

    0 Credits (10 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a part-time University Professional Internship/Co-op Program.

  • INT 2010 - Off-Campus Internship Full-Time I

    0 Credits (0 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time off-campus internship.

  • INT 2020 - Off-Campus Internship Full-Time 2

    0 Credits (0 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time off-campus internship.

  • INT 2030 - Off-Campus Internship Full-Time 3

    0 Credits (0 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time off-campus internship.

  • INT 2510 - UPIC Internship Full-Time 1

    0 Credits (20 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time University Professional Internship/Co-op Program.

  • INT 2520 - UPIC Internship Full-Time 2

    0 Credits (20 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time University Professional Internship/Co-op Program.

  • INT 2530 - UPIC Internship Full-Time 3

    0 Credits (20 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time University Professional Internship/Co-op Program.

  • INT 2540 - UPIC Internship Full-Time 4

    0 Credits (20 Contact Hours)
    Students participate in a full-time University Professional Internship/Co-op Program.

  • INT 3010 - International Internship

    3 Credits (15 Contact Hours)
    This three-module course provides students with a pre-departure curriculum, an international internship experience, and a post internship reacclimation curriculum. All on-campus settings are designed to provide meaningful, intentional career development and cultural awareness development. The international part-time internship requires a minimum of 160 hours. All hours must be completed and approved by the course instructor by the end of the eight weeks.

Center for Career and Professional Development

  • CCPD 1200 - Introduction to Career Development

    1 Credit (1 Contact Hours)
    This course educates students about career planning, equips them to evaluate prospective career fields, and enables them to pursue career aspirations. Upon completion, students have a greater awareness of their career interests, and understand the connection between their studies and their career goals.

  • CCPD 1400 - Professional Development

    1 Credit (1 Contact Hour)
    Professional development course for first year majors and transfer students in specific disciplines. Methods for communication, including oral, written and electronic formats, are covered as related to a career in the student’s chosen discipline.

  • CCPD 1600 - New Clemson University Spectrum Program Student Seminar

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    This course for incoming students in the Clemson University Spectrum Program provides a basic introduction to college with an emphasis on personal safety, campus navigation and resources, and self-management. Students are encouraged to share their experiences so students can all learn from one another.

  • CCPD 1610 - Skills for College Success

    1 Credit (1 Contact Hour)
    Provides an overview of the basic skills and knowledge students need to maximize their success in college. Many of these skills, such as organization, goal setting and time management, are essential for later career success as well.

  • CCPD 1620 - Navigating Adult Social Interactions

    2 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    This course provides an overview of certain social skills that adults need for success in their career and personal life. While social skills come more naturally to some people, often having some instruction is beneficial. Direct instruction can clarify areas of strength, as well as opportunities for growth and aid in developing meta-awareness of one’s own social behavior. Preq: Consent of instructor.

  • CCPD 1630 - Social Intelligence in the Workplace

    1 Credit (1 Contact Hour)
    Designed to be taken in conjunction with each Clemson University Spectrum Program student’s first on-campus internship. This course aids students in navigating the social aspects of work and troubleshooting real and mock workplace issues, and promotes the development of situational awareness in work settings. Students are encouraged to share their experiences so students can all learn from one another.

  • CCPD 1640 - Neurodiversity and Self-Advocacy

    1 Credit (1 Contact Hour)
    This course provides an overview of neurodiversity and asks students to consider their diversity and neurodivergence in relation to self-advocacy, personal identity and disclosure. While our perspectives and beliefs may change over time, college is often a time during which we develop self-awareness and consider how to present ourselves to others. Preq: Consent of instructor.

  • CCPD 1660 - Self-Improvement Through Habit Change and Strengths and Values Indentification

    1 Credit (1 Contact Hour)
    This course provides an overview of methods of self-improvement from the perspectives of behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology, and positive psychology. Students identify areas for personal growth and development, implement plans, and reflect on their efforts and the processes. Group discussion, readings, and self-reflection are utilized as iterative processes as students develop plans for personal growth and development. Preq: Consent of instructor.

Chemical Engineering

  • CHE 1300 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Tools and methods for analyzing engineering problems with applications in chemical and biochemical processes, including development of process flow diagrams, numerical methods, graphing, and applied statistics. Problem-solving and computer skills are developed in the lecture and laboratory activities. Preq: CH 1010  with a C or better and either ENGR 1020  or ENGR 1060  with a C or better. Preq or concurrent enrollment: MATH 1060  or MATH 1070 ; and PHYS 1220 .

  • CHE 1990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. These creative inquiry projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.

  • CHE 2110 - Mass and Energy Balances

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to fundamental concepts of chemical engineering, including mass and energy balances, PVT relationships for gases and vapors, and elementary phase equilibria; problem-solving and computer skills are developed in lab. Preq: CHE 1300  with a C or higher; and CH 1020  and MATH 1080  and PHYS 1220 . Coreq: CHE 2111 .

  • CHE 2111 - Mass and Energy Balances Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CHE 2110 . Coreq: CHE 2110 .

  • CHE 2200 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Topics include first and second laws of thermodynamics, ideal gases, PVT properties of real fluids, energy balances with chemical reactions, and thermodynamic properties of real fluids. Preq: CHE 2110  and MATH 2060 .

  • CHE 2300 - Fluids/Heat Transfer

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    General principles of chemical engineering and study of fluid flow, fluid transportation, and heat transmission. Special emphasis is placed on theory and its practical application to design. Preq: CHE 2110 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CHE 2200  and MATH 2060 . Coreq: CHE 2301 .

  • CHE 2301 - Fluids/Heat Transfer Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CHE 2300 . Coreq: CHE 2300 .

  • CHE 2990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. Projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.

  • CHE 3000 - Honors Seminar

    1 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Acquaints students enrolled in the Departmental Honors Program with current research issues in the profession. This assists the student in preparing a research proposal for the Senior Thesis. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: CHE 2200  and CHE 2300 ; and admission to departmental honors program.

  • CHE 3070 - Unit Operations Laboratory I

    3 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Laboratory work in the unit operations of fluid flow, heat transfer, and evaporation. Stress is on the relation between theory and experimental results and the statistical interpretation of those results and on report preparation and presentation. Preq: CHE 2200  and CHE 2300 . Coreq: CHE 3071 .

  • CHE 3071 - Unit Operations Laboratory I Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CHE 3070 . Coreq: CHE 3070 .

  • CHE 3190 - Engineering Materials

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the fundamental properties and behavior of engineering materials emphasizing polymers, metals, ceramics, and composite materials. Preq: CHE 2110 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 2230  and CHE 2200 .

  • CHE 3210 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CHE 2200. Topics include thermodynamics of power cycles and refrigeration/liquefaction, thermodynamic properties of homogeneous mixtures, phase equilibria, and chemical reaction equilibria. Preq: CHE 2200  and MATH 2080 .

  • CHE 3300 - Mass Transfer and Separation Processes

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of mass transport fundamentals and application of these fundamentals to separation technologies, with emphasis on gas absorption, stripping, distillation, and liquid-liquid extraction. Preq: CHE 2200  and CHE 2300 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CHE 3210 . Coreq: CHE 3301 .

  • CHE 3301 - Mass Transfer and Separation Processes Laboratory

    0 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CHE 3300 . Coreq: CHE 3300 .

  • CHE 3950 - Honors Research I

    3 Credits (9 Contact Hours)
    Individual research under the direction of a Chemical Engineering faculty member. Preq: CHE 3000 .

  • CHE 3990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. These creative inquiry projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.

  • CHE 4010 - Transport Phenomena

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Mathematical analysis of single and multidimensional steady-state and transient problems in momentum, energy, and mass transfer. Both the similarities and differences in these mechanisms are stressed. Preq: CHE 3300  and MATH 2080 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CHE 4070 - Unit Operations Laboratory II

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CHE 3070 with experiments primarily on the diffusional operations. Additional lecture material on report writing and general techniques for experimental measurements and analysis of data, including statistical design of experiments. Preq: CHE 3070  and CHE 3300 . Coreq: CHE 4071 .

  • CHE 4071 - Unit Operations Laboratory II Laboratory

    0 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CHE 4070 . Coreq: CHE 4070 .

  • CHE 4120 - Polymer Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Design-oriented course in synthetic polymers. Topics include reactor design used in polymer production, effect of step versus addition kinetics on reactor design, epoxy curing reactions, polymer solubility, influence of polymerization and processing conditions on polymer crystallinity. Preq: CH 2240  and CH 3320 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CHE 4130 - Polymer Composite Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Presents fundamental concepts of polymeric composite materials. Main topics include classification of polymeric matrices; flow behavior and visco-elastic properties of fiber precursors and polymeric matrices; and physical and mechanical properties of composites. Preq: CH 2240 ; and CHE 4120  or MSE 4150 .

  • CHE 4140 - Green Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Green chemistry/engineering principles are applied to process and product design. Green engineering metrics are applied to quantify the sustainability, life cycle and environmental impact of chemical technologies, processes and products. Emphasis is placed on industrial sustainability, product innovation, risk assessment, policy and societal implications. Preq: CHE 2110  and MATH 1080 .

  • CHE 4150 - Alternative Energy

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Addresses the technological environmental, political, social and economic fundamentals associated with using alternative energy sources to meet global energy needs. Engineering analysis is used to evaluate several alternative energy technologies, including biomass, geothermal, hydropower, nuclear, solar and wind. Preq: CHE 2200  and CHE 2300 .

  • CHE 4160 - Energy Storage

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    This course covers the fundamentals of electrical energy storage systems for transportation, with a focus on advanced batteries, super capacitors and fuel cells. Students develop skills and knowledge necessary for a career in electrical transportation, which includes the essential engineering background. Primary course topics are basic principles of energy storage devices and systems; packaging and thermal management; and battery sizing, integration, and hybrid system comprising various types of devices. It is recommended that students have general knowledge of chemistry and materials prior to enrolling in this course. Preq: Junior standing.

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CHE 4310 - Chemical Process Design I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Steps in creating a chemical process design from original concept to successful completion and operation. Topics include process layout, equipment selection and sizing, safety and environmental evaluation, engineering economics, simulation, evaluation of alternatives, and optimization. Preq: CHE 3070  and CHE 3210  and CHE 3300 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CHE 4500 .

  • CHE 4330 - Process Design II

    3 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CHE 4310. Principles of process development, design, and optimization are applied in a comprehensive problem carried from a general statement of the problem to detailed design and economic evaluations. Preq: CHE 3300  and CHE 4070  and CHE 4310  and CHE 4500 . Coreq: CHE 4331 .

  • CHE 4331 - Process Design II Laboratory

    0 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CHE 4330 . Coreq: CHE 4330 .

  • CHE 4430 - Safety, Environmental and Professional Practice I

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Preparation of senior chemical engineering students for entry into the profession with an emphasis on process safety. Timely information is presented on career options for chemical engineers, professional practice, and a host of safety-related topics. Outside speakers are used frequently. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CHE 4310 .

  • CHE 4440 - Safety, Environmental and Professional Practice II

    1 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Students work on safety modules available from SAChE that culminate in a safety certificate. Working in groups, students present and discuss topics related to ethics, safety, the environment, and current events. To be taken Pass/No Pass only. Preq: CHE 4430 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CHE 4330 .

  • CHE 4450 - Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Topics not covered in other courses, emphasizing current literature, research, and practice of chemical engineering. Topics vary from year to year. May be repeated, but only if different topics are covered. Preq: Consent of instructor.

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CHE 4500 - Chemical Reaction Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Review of kinetics of chemical reactions and an introduction to the analysis and design of chemical reactors. Topics include homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, batch and continuous flow reaction systems, catalysis, and design of industrial reactors. Preq: CHE 3210  and CHE 3300 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CHE 4530 - Process Dynamics and Control

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Mathematical analysis of the dynamic response of process systems. Basic automatic control theory and design of control systems for process applications. Preq: CHE 2300  and MATH 2080 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CHE 3300 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CHE 4910 - Special Projects in Chemical Engineering

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Topics requested by students or offered by faculty as the need arises. Topics may include review of current research in an area, technological advances, and national engineering goals. Includes Honors sections. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits, but only if different topics are covered.

  • CHE 4950 - Honors Research II

    3 Credits (9 Contact Hours)
    Individual research under the direction of a chemical engineering faculty member. Preq: CHE 3950 .

  • CHE 4970 - Honors Thesis

    1 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Preparation of honors thesis based on research conducted in CHE 3950  and CHE 4950 . Preq: CHE 4950 .

  • CHE 4990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. These creative inquiry projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.


  • CH 1010 - General Chemistry

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the elementary concepts of chemistry through classroom and laboratory experience. Emphasizes chemical reactions and the use of symbolic representation, the mole concept and its applications and molecular structure. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 1010 and CH 1050 . Includes Honors sections. Coreq: CH 1011 .

  • CH 1011 - General Chemistry Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CH 1010 . Coreq: CH 1010 .

  • CH 1020 - General Chemistry

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CH 1010, treating solutions, rates of reactions, chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, chemistry of selected elements, and an introduction to organic chemistry. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 1020 or CH 1060 . Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 1010  with a C or better. Coreq: CH 1021 .

  • CH 1021 - General Chemistry Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CH 1020 . Coreq: CH 1020 .

  • CH 1040 - Concepts in Chemistry

    2 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Covers chemical ideas and mathematical skills as applied to important topics including the particulate nature of matter, visualization of chemical behavior, and application of mathematical principles to describe chemical systems. Students who have received credit for any other chemistry course will not be allowed to enroll in or receive credit for CH 1040. To be taken Pass/No Pass only.

  • CH 1050 - Chemistry in Context I

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    The chemistry of societal issues, including air quality, global warming, acid rain, and alternative energy sources is discussed in the context of their impact on society. May not be taken as a prerequisite for organic chemistry. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 1010  or CH 1050. Coreq: CH 1051 .

  • CH 1051 - Chemistry in Context I Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CH 1050 . Coreq: CH 1050 .

  • CH 1060 - Chemistry in Context II

    4 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CH 1050. Topics include the chemistry of nuclear energy, new energy sources, nutrition, medicines, new materials, and genetic engineering. May not be taken as a prerequisite for organic chemistry. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 1020  or CH 1060. Preq: CH 1010  or CH 1050 . Coreq: CH 1061 .

  • CH 1061 - Chemistry in Context II Laboratory

    0 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Non-credit laboratory to accompany CH 1060 . Coreq: CH 1060 .

  • CH 1520 - Chemistry Communication

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Methods for scientific communication, including oral, written, and electronic formats. Service-learning projects engage participants with community needs pertaining to chemistry issues.

  • CH 1990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemistry I

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. These creative inquiry projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.

  • CH 2010 - Survey of Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to organic chemistry emphasizing nomenclature, classes of organic compounds, and chemistry of functional groups. For students needing a one-semester course in organic chemistry. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 2010 or CH 2230 . Preq: CH 1020 .

  • CH 2020 - Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    1 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Laboratory emphasizing standard techniques of organic laboratory analysis with the synthesis and characterization of organic molecules discussed in CH 2010 . Credit will be given for only one of CH 2020 or CH 2270 . Preq: CH 1020 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 2010 .

  • CH 2050 - Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    One semester treatment which emphasizes the properties and reactions of the more common chemical elements. Preq: CH 1020 .

  • CH 2230 - Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introductory course in the principles of organic chemistry and the derivation of these principles from a study of the properties, preparations, and interrelationships of the important classes of organic compounds. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 2010  or CH 2230. Preq: CH 1020 .

  • CH 2240 - Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CH 2230 . Preq: CH 2230 .

  • CH 2270 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    1 Credit (3 Contact Hours)
    Synthesis and properties of typical examples of the classes of organic compounds. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 2020  or CH 2270 or CH 2290 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 2230 .

  • CH 2280 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    1 Credit (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CH 2270 . Preq: CH 2270 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 2240 .

  • CH 2290 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    1 Credit (3 Contact Hours)
    One-semester laboratory for Chemical Engineering students. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 2270  or CH 2290. Preq: CH 2230 .

  • CH 2990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemistry II

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. These creative inquiry projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.

  • CH 3130 - Quantitative Analysis

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Fundamental principles of volumetric, gravimetric, and certain elementary instrumental chemical analyses. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3150  or CH 3170 .

  • CH 3150 - Quantitative Analysis Laboratory

    2 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Laboratory techniques of volumetric, gravimetric, and elementary instrumental chemical analyses. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 3150 or CH 3170 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3130 .

  • CH 3170 - Quantitative Analysis Laboratory

    1 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Standard techniques of analytical chemistry: gravimetric, volumetric, and instrumental. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 3150  or CH 3170. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3130 .

  • CH 3300 - Introduction to Physical Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    One-semester treatment of physical chemistry emphasizing topics that are especially useful in the life sciences, agriculture, and medicine: chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium, solutions, kinetics, electrochemistry, macromolecules, and surface phenomena. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 3300 or CH 3310 . Preq: MATH 1060 .

  • CH 3310 - Physical Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Includes the gaseous state, thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, and atomic and molecular structure, from both experimental and theoretical points of view. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of CH 3300  or CH 3310. Preq: MATH 2060  and PHYS 2210 .

  • CH 3320 - Physical Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CH 3310, including chemical kinetics, liquid and solid state, phase equilibria, solutions, electrochemistry and surfaces. Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 3310  or CHE 2200 .

  • CH 3390 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory

    1 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Experiments are selected to be of maximum value to Chemistry and Chemical Engineering majors. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3310  or CHE 2200 .

  • CH 3400 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory

    1 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Continuation of CH 3390 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3320 .

  • CH 3410 - Introduction to Research

    1 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Students are introduced to a variety of skills and topics related to the pursuit of independent research. The course addresses choosing a research topic, planning a research project, discovering and organizing prior work, keeping research records, laboratory safety and ethics in scientific research. Preq: CH 1020  and ENGL 1030 .

  • CH 3600 - Chemical Biology

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to the chemical foundations of biological phenomena, focusing on bioorganic, biophysical, bioinorganic, and bioanalytic chemistry principles. Preq: CH 2010  or CH 2230 .

  • CH 3700 - Laboratory Assistant Practicum

    1-12 Credits (2-24 Contact Hours)
    This course prepares students to think on the spot, build communication skills, and foster the mastery of chemistry fundamentals by explaining them to others. The course is centered on a laboratory teaching experience as an assistant to a regular instructor and is designed to provide preparation for students considering graduate school, careers as technicians, or other careers that involve a teaching or training component. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.

  • CH 3990 - Creative Inquiry in Chemistry III

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    In consultation with and under the direction of a faculty member, students pursue scholarly activities individually or in teams. These creative inquiry projects may be interdisciplinary. Arrangements with mentors must be established prior to registration. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Preq: Consent of faculty member/mentor.

  • CH 4000 - Selected Topics in Chemistry

    1-3 Credits (1-3 Contact Hours)
    Comprehensive study of topics of current interest in chemistry. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits, but only if different topics are covered.

  • CH 4010 - Organometallic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Organometallic compounds are useful in applications ranging from large-scale industrial reactions to antibiotics, and this versatility arises from the chemically unique metalcarbon bond. Course begins with fundamental coordination chemistry, then progresses through ligand substitution, oxidative addition/reductive elimination, catalytic transformations and polymerization reactions. Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 2230 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4020 - Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Basic principles of inorganic chemistry are discussed with special emphasis on atomic structure, chemical bonding, solid state, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and acid-base theories. The chemistry of certain selected elements is treated. Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 1020  and CH 1021 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4030 - Advanced Multidisciplinary Laboratory in Experimental Chemistry

    2 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    Senior-level advanced laboratory course that builds upon the synthetic and analytical techniques from organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and instrumental analysis lab courses via the preparation and study of inorganic and organometallic complexes and materials. Students learn to connect the observed spectroscopic (and other) properties and chemical reactivity of metal-containing molecules (and macromolecules) to foundational chemical principles. Special emphasis is placed on catalysis, polymerization, metal-containing multiple bonds, and carbon-based ligands. Preq: CH 2050  or CH 4020 ; and CH 2270 ; and CH 2280 ; and CH 3400  or CH 4120 .

  • CH 4040 - Bioinorganic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Covers fundamentals of bioinorganic chemistry with review of necessary inorganic and biochemical concepts. Topics include metal uptake, transport, and storage in biological systems; functions of metals in proteins; metal ion interactions with nucleic acids; physical methods used in bioinorganic chemistry; heavy element toxicity, radiopharmaceuticals and other metallodrugs. Includes Honors sections. Preq: BCHM 3010  or BCHM 3050  or CH 2050 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4060 - Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides an introduction to the fundamentals of chemical kinetics and investigates the mechanisms of inorganic reactions, including substitution, electron transfer, and atom transfer reactions. Other factors in reaction mechanistic study, including linear free energy relationships, stereochemistry, catalysts, and isotope effects are introduced. Preq: CH 2050 .

  • CH 4110 - Instrumental Analysis

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Principles of operation and application of modern chemical instrumentation in the field of analytical chemistry. Topics include basic electronics, statistics, optical, mass, magnetic resonance, electron and x-ray spectroscopies, radiochemistry, and separation science. Preq: CH 3310  or CHE 2200 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3320 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4120 - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    2 Credits (5 Contact Hours)
    Reinforces principles of chemical instrumentation described in CH 4110 by practical, hands-on experience. Aspects of sample preparation, standardization, data acquisition and interpretation, and report formulation procedures common in chemical analyses are considered for a range of modern instrumental methods. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 4110 .

  • CH 4130 - Chemistry of Aqueous Systems

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of chemical equilibria in aqueous systems, especially natural waters; acids and bases, dissolved CO2, precipitation and dissolution, oxidation-reduction, adsorption, etc. Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 1020  or CH 1060 .

  • CH 4140 - Bioanalytical Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Survey of selected areas of importance in bioanalytical chemistry. Fundamental principles, advanced topics, and applications of analytical measurements of biomolecules, bioassays, immunoassays, separations, mass spectrometry, method validation, macromolecular crystalography, microscopy, and imaging. Preq: CH 3130  and CH 4110 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH (MSE) 4150 - Polymer Science and Engineering

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Provides a comprehensive introduction to the synthesis, properties, design, and applications of polymeric materials. Topics include molecular characterization, structure, morphology, chemical and physical behavior of the polymers. Students gain knowledge about the principles and the modern conception of advanced polymeric materials. Includes Honors sections. May also be offered as MSE 4150 . Preq: CH 2010  or CH 2240 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4210 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Survey of modern organic chemistry emphasizing synthesis and mechanisms. Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 2240 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4250 - Medicinal Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Survey of the pharmaceutical drug discovery process. Covers discovery of candidate compounds, bioassay methods, and associated regulatory and commercial issues. Case studies are selected from the current literature. Preq: CH 2240 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • CH 4270 - Organic Spectroscopy

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Survey of modern spectroscopic techniques used in the determination of molecular structure. Emphasizes the interpretation of spectra: nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet, infrared, mass spectroscopy, optical rotatory dispersion, and circular dichroism. Students are expected to have completed one year each of organic chemistry and physical chemistry. Includes Honors sections. Preq: CH 2240 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for the 6000-level description and requirements.

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