Mar 06, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mathematical Sciences, MS

Program Description

Entering students are expected to have courses in linear algebra, differential equations, a computer language and statistics.

For the master’s program, both thesis and non-thesis options are available. The curriculum for both options includes foundation courses (advanced calculus, modern algebra, probability and discrete computing-courses often taken prior to entering the master’s program); a breadth requirement (a course from each of algebra, analysis, computing, operations research and statistics, plus one additional course in operations research or statistics); and a concentration area (six courses selected to define an identifiable specialty area). Every student’s program is required to include at least one course, possibly chosen from outside the Department of Mathematical Sciences, that emphasizes mathematical modeling. A minimum of 36 graduate credit hours is required for the master’s degree. In addition, students in the non-thesis option are required to complete a one-credit- hour project course.

Graduate students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences have at least three opportunities to participate in international cooperative programs. The first is an exchange program with the Department of Mathematics at Kaiserslautern University in Germany. Students can obtain two MS degrees, one from their home university and one from the host university. The second program is a two and one half month summer program, for Clemson math sciences students who have completed their first year of graduate study, in the Center for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen in Germany. Students earn a certificate of participation from Bremen University. The third exchange program is with the Institute of Machine Sciences at the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH) in Moscow, Russia. Clemson University graduate students who have completed two semesters of study are eligible to participate in the program at IMASH for either a full semester or for a shorter, summer program. Academic work passed at IMASH will normally be accepted for credit towards the MS or PhD degree at Clemson. More information about each of these programs is available in the mathematical sciences graduate student handbook at:

Students in the doctoral program are expected to satisfy the master’s program requirements prior to receiving their doctorate. Including master’s study, a doctoral program must have two courses from each of the major areas of the mathematical sciences (algebra, analysis, computing, operations research and probability/statistics) and generally consists of 60 credit hours of graduate coursework. Students are admitted to candidacy for the PhD degree upon successful completion of a preliminary examination and the comprehensive examination. The preliminary examination consists of tests in three areas chosen from algebra, analysis, computing, operations research, statistics and stochastic processes. The comprehensive exam assesses the student’s readiness to perform independent research and competence in advanced graduate material. The PhD program must include both a concentration area and a supporting area. Additional information is available at

Mathematical sciences courses at the 7000-level are applicable to master’s degree programs in the School of Education only.