1 Select CH 1010 , or CH 1050 , or both PHYS 1220 /PHYS 1240 , or PHYS 2000 , or both PHYS 2070 /PHYS 2090 .
2 Graphic Communications majors must complete a specialty area consisting of 12 credits beyond the coursework required for the major. Students must select ONE of the following two ways to satisfy this requirement: (1) declare and complete any minor allowed by the major; or (2) complete 12 credits of coursework selected from the following:
Any BIOL, CH or PHYS courses that satisfy the General Education Natural Science with Laboratory Requirement or ART 1030 , ART 2130 , ART 2150 , ART 3130 , ART 3150 , ART 4130 , ART 4150 , COMM 1010 , COMM 2010 , COMM 3280 , COMM 3680 , DPA 3070 , DPA 4000 , DPA 4010 , DPA 4020 , DPA 4030 , ECON 3060 , ENGL 3570 , ENGL 4500 , ENGL 4510 , GC 1990 , GC 2510 , GC 2990 , GC 3450 , GC 3510 , GC 3600 , GC 3620 , GC 3720 , GC 3730 , GC 3990 , GC 4070 , GC 4510 , GC 4900 , GC 4990 , MGT 3060 , MGT 3180 , MGT 3500 , MGT 3510 , MGT 4110 , MGT 4500 , MGT 4540 , MKT 3020 , MKT 3980 , MKT 4200 , MKT 4210 , MKT 4220 , MKT 4240 , MKT 4430 , MKT 4950 , PKSC 2200 , PKSC 3200 , PKSC 4990 , THEA 2670 , THEA 2780 , THEA 3670 , THEA 4670 , THEA 4870 , THEA 4880 , any CPSC science at the 2000 level or higher, any CHE, ECE, ENGR, IE, ME, or MSE course, or any two-semester modern language sequence. NOTE: A maximum of four credits of BIOL, CH and PHYS courses may be used to satisfy this requirement in option two.
3 See the South Carolina REACH Act Requirement in the Academic Regulations section.
4 See General Education Requirements .
5 One internship must be in a fall or spring semester (summer -at least 12 weeks; fall/spring-at least 15 weeks). GC 4550 will not substitute for GC 4500 .
6 Select from GC 1990 , GC 2990 , GC 3450 , GC 3600 , GC 3620 , GC 3990 , GC 4070 , GC 4450 , GC 4510 , GC 4900 , GC 4990 .
NOTE: A transfer course may not be used to satisfy the General Education Global Challenges Requirement. While a transfer course may fulfill other degree requirements, students must enroll in a Clemson course(s) on the Global Challenges list to fulfill the Global Challenges Requirement.