2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Criminal Justice, BA
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Program Description
The Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice is an interdisciplinary degree that prepares students for a variety of professional careers related to law enforcement, social services and criminal investigation. In addition, the degree provides excellent preparation for graduate education in criminology and public policy. The major offers two emphasis areas: the General Emphasis Area and the Legal Emphasis Area. The General Emphasis Area allows students to pursue a science-oriented education while still selecting from a wide variety of course options. The Legal Emphasis Area prepares students for careers and future study in the field of law. The Criminal Justice degree requires a total of 120 credits, including 34 credits in criminal justice as outlined in the curriculum. In addition, students take a modern language and nine additional credits of relevant social science or humanities courses. These additional courses provide students a greater depth and broader diversity of skills and knowledge useful for careers in these fields. Courses that fulfill General Education requirements and departmental social science and humanities courses may also fulfill minor requirements. Courses that fulfill core, methods, and emphasis area requirements may not double count with minor requirements. Emphasis Areas - General Justice Emphasis Area requires eighteen credits selected from any 3000- or 4000-level JUST courses not used to satisfy other requirements, or ANTH 4280 , POSC 4360 , POSC 4370 , or SOC 3920 .
- Legal Emphasis Area requires JUST 3280 and JUST 4280 ; one of JUST 4290 , JUST 4480 , JUST 4920 , POSC 4370 , or POSC 4380 ; and nine additional credits selected from any 3000- or 4000-level JUST courses not used to satisfy other requirements, or ANTH 4280 , POSC 4360 , POSC 4370 , or SOC 3920 .
No more than six credits of JUST 4860 or six credits of JUST 4990 may be counted toward the requirements of either emphasis area. First Semester
- Modern Language Requirement 4 Credits 1
- Natural Science with Lab Requirement 4 Credits 2
- Oral Communication Requirement 3 Credits 2
- Social Science Requirement 3 Credits 2
First Semester
- JUST (SOC) 2880 - The Criminal Justice System 3 Credits
- Arts and Humanities (Literature) Requirement 3 Credits 2
- Arts and Humanities (Non-Literature) Requirement 3 Credits 2
- Modern Language Requirement 3 Credits 1
- South Carolina REACH Act Requirement 3 Credits 3
First Semester
- Core Requirement 3 Credits 4
- Departmental Humanities/Social Science Requirement 3 Credits 5
- Emphasis Area Requirement 3 Credits 6
- Global Challenges Requirement 3 Credits 2
- Elective 3 Credits
Second Semester
- Core Requirement 3 Credits 4
- Departmental Humanities/Social Science Requirement 3 Credits 5
- Emphasis Area Requirement 3 Credits 6
- Minor Requirement 3 Credits 7
- Elective 3 Credits
First Semester
- Core Requirement 3 Credits 4
- Emphasis Area Requirement 6 Credits 6
- Minor Requirement 3 Credits 7
- Elective 3 Credits
Second Semester
- Emphasis Area Requirement 3 Credits 6
- Minor Requirement 6 Credits 7
- Elective 5 Credits
1 Students must complete through 2020 in a modern language. See Modern Languages Requirement at Clemson University statement. 2 See General Education Requirements . 3 See the South Carolina REACH Act Requirement in the Academic Regulations section. 4 The Core Requirement consists of JUST 2890 ; either JUST 4280 or JUST 4680 ; JUST 4910 ; and JUST 4930 . Legal Emphasis Area students must select JUST 4680 , as JUST 4280 is a required emphasis area course. 5 Select from ART 2100 , MUSC 2100 , or THEA 2100 , or any 3000- or 4000-level course in AAH, ANTH, ARAB, ARCH, ART, ASL, CAAH, CHIN, COMM, DANC, DSGN, EAS, ECON, ENGL, FR, GBS, GEOG, GER, GW, HIST, HUM, IS, ITAL, JAPN, LANG, LATN, MUSC, PA, PCPC, PHIL, PORT, POSC, PSYC, REL, RS, RUSS, SOC, SPAN, THEA, WCIN or WS. 6 See emphasis area requirements in the program description above. 7 See Minors . NOTE: Courses that fulfill core and emphasis area requirements (those in Footnotes 4 and 6) may not double count with minor requirements. |
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