Feb 08, 2025
MICR 4070 - Food and Dairy Microbiology 4 Credits (3 Contact Hours) Physical-chemical factors limiting survival and growth of microorganisms during processing and manufacturing of food and dairy products. Standard methods for enumerating and identifying indicator bacteria, yeasts, molds, and microbes producing food and food-borne illness. Starter cultures, fungal toxins, microbial cell injury and standards for food and dairy products. Includes Honors sections. Preq: MICR 3050 with a C or higher; and one of BCHM 3050 or CH 2010 or CH 2230 . Coreq: MICR 4071 .
This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
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