Program Description
The Sociology major offers two degree programs: a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science. Both degrees prepare students for a variety of professional careers related to human resources, management, public relations, social services, criminal justice, health services, social research, and other people-oriented positions in the public and private sector. In addition, the Bachelor’s degree provides excellent preparation for graduate training in sociology, anthropology, social services, law, and business. Both degrees require a total of 121 credits, including 36 credits in sociology, anthropology, and/or criminal justice, as identified below. At least 12 of the 36 credits must be from 4000-level sociology or rural sociology courses. Additional electives are added to meet the minimum of 121 hours required for graduation. Courses used to fulfill General Education Requirements may be used to fulfill minor requirements. Change of Major into Sociology Students who change majors into Sociology must have completed at least 12 credit hours at Clemson and must have a 2.0 minimum Clemson/Bridge cumulative grade-point average. Emphasis Areas in Sociology Students select one of the following Emphasis Areas: - Community Studies: SOC 4590 , SOC 4950 , and either RS 3010 or SOC 3310 ; plus six additional credits selected from all courses offered in sociology or rural sociology not already taken to fulfill requirements.
- Criminal Justice: JUST 2880 and JUST 2890 ; and nine additional credits selected from ANTH 3530 , JUST 3980 , JUST 4680 , JUST 4910 , JUST 4930 , JUST 4940 , SOC 3910 , SOC 3920 , SOC 3970 or SOC 4860 . No more than three credits of SOC 4860 may be taken to satisfy concentration electives.
- General Sociology: Three credits selected from SOC 3110 , SOC 3300 , SOC 3400 , SOC 4320 or SOC 4440 ; three credits selected from SOC 3500 , SOC 3510 , SOC 3910 , SOC 4030 or SOC 4330 ; and nine credits selected from all courses offered in sociology or rural sociology not already taken to fulfill requirements.
- Social Services: SOC 3800 , SOC 4140 and SOC 4950 ; and six additional credits selected from all courses offered in sociology or rural sociology not already taken to fulfill requirements.
First Semester
- Arts and Humanities (Literature) Requirement 3 Credits 2
- Cross-Cultural Awareness Requirement 3 Credits 2
- Departmental Math or Science Requirement 3 Credits 3
- Minor Requirement 3 Credits 4
- Elective 3 Credits
First Semester
- SOC 3020 - Social Research Methods I 3 Credits
- Advanced Humanities Requirement 3 Credits 5
- Advanced Writing Requirement 3 Credits 6
- Emphasis Area Requirement 3 Credits 7
- Stratification Requirement 3 Credits 8
Second Semester
- SOC 3040 - Social Research Methods II 4 Credits
- Advanced Humanities Requirement 3 Credits 5
- Departmental Math or Science Requirement 3 Credits 3
- Emphasis Area Requirement 3 Credits 7
- Minor Requirement 3 Credits 4
First Semester
- Departmental Math or Science Requirement 6 Credits 3
- Emphasis Area Requirement 3 Credits 7
- Stratification Requirement 3 Credits 8
- Elective 3 Credits
1 Select MATH 1010 , MATH 1020 , or MATH 1060 2 See General Education Requirements . (Note: Social Science Requirement must be in an area other than sociology.) 3 Select from ANTH 3310 , ANTH 3510 , ANTH 3530 , ANTH 4510 , ANTH 4530 or ANTH 4660 , or any course in AGM, ASTR, AVS, BCHM, BE, BIOE, BIOL, BMOL, BT, CE, CES, CH, CHE, CPSC, CSM, CVT, ECE, EES, EM, ENGR, ENR, ENSP, ENT, ETOX, FDSC, FNR, FOR, GEN, GEOL, HCG, HLTH, HORT, IE, MATH, ME, MICR, MSE, NURS, NUTR, PES, PHSC, PHYS, PKSC, PLPA, STAT or WFB. 4 See Minors . 5 Select from ART 2100 , MUSC 2100 or THEA 2100 , or any 3000- or 4000-level course in AAH, ARAB, ASL, CHIN, COMM (except COMM 3640 or COMM 3680 ), ENGL (except ENGL 3040 , ENGL 3120 , ENGL 3140 , ENGL 3150 , ENGL 3330 , ENGL 4850 , ENGL 4900 , ENGL 4940 or ENGL 4950 ), FR, GER, HUM, ITAL, JAPN, LANG, LATN, MUSC, PHIL, PORT, REL, RUSS, SPAN, THEA (except THEA 3770 , THEA 4870 or THEA 4970 ), and WS. 6 Select ENGL 3040 , ENGL 3120 , ENGL 3140 , ENGL 3150 , ENGL 3330 , or ENGL 4940 7 See emphasis area requirements in program description above. 8 Select SOC 3600 , SOC 4600 , or SOC 4610 |