1 ENGL 2120 , ENGL 2130 , ENGL 2140 , or ENGL 2150
2 ANTH 2010 , GEOG 1030 , POSC 1020 , or POSC 1040
3 STAT 2300 or STAT 3090
4 To be taken the semester prior to EDSC 4470 and EDSC 4570 . EDF 4250 , EDSC 4270 and EDLT 4980 must be taken concurrently. Offered fall semester only.
5 Completion of one of the following emphasis areas is required:
(1) Teacher Certification Emphasis Area - Students completing the coursework for the Teacher Certification Emphasis Area must complete the following coursework and meet all requirements for enrollment in professional courses, apply for directed teaching/teaching internship, and meet all requirements for recommendation for initial licensure as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog under Teacher Education Programs. The following courses must be taken the spring semester of the senior year.
(2) Non-Certification Emphasis Area - Individual students who have a minimum of 90 semester credit hours, have senior status in the degree program, and do not complete student teaching/internship and capstone requirements may be recommended by the faculty for the Non-Certification option. Students in the Non-Certification Emphasis Area will not meet the South Carolina Department of Education requirements for initial teacher certification. The Non-Certification option allows 12 credits of elective coursework to be substituted in lieu of the nine credits of student teaching/internship and three-credit capstone course. In consultation with and based on the recommendation of their faculty advisor, students may initiate the formal change for the Non-Certification Emphasis Area through the Change of Academic Program Form approved by the faculty advisor and department chair. It is recommended that students consult with their faculty advisor to select courses to meet the 12-credit elective requirement.