Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

This list includes for each course the subject abbreviation, catalog number, title, credit hours, class or laboratory hours per week, description, requirements and prerequisites.

4000/6000-Level Courses

If a 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart, this is noted in the course description of the 4000-level course.

Cross-Referenced Courses

A cross-referenced course is one that can be taken for credit under different departmental subjects. For example, students can take Herpetology as either BIOL 4680  or WFB 4680 . The student should select the desired departmental subject abbreviation in conference with an advisor. The departmental subject abbreviation may be changed only during the period allowed by the University calendar for adding a course.



  • BCHM 1030 - Careers in Biochemistry and Genetics

    1 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Introduces students to biochemistry and genetics career paths, professional organizations, ethical issues, and requirements for advanced study. Also gives students training in design of a professional portfolio. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of BCHM 1030 or GEN 1030 . Preq: Biochemistry or Genetics major.

  • BCHM 2050 - Clinical Undergraduate Research Experiences in Surgery (CURES)

    3 Credits (6 Contact Hours)
    This course provides juniors interested in a career in medicine an opportunity to conduct research in a clinical setting. Students participate in a clinical research project designed by physicians at Prisma Health. In addition, students are exposed to different medical procedures through clinical interactions with both practitioners and patients. Students reflect on their experiences and present them to the class. May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits.

  • BCHM 2070 - Clemson Medical Education Development (CMED)

    1 Credit (2 Contact Hours)
    Juniors interested in careers in medicine have the opportunity to shadow physicians in a clinical setting. Students are exposed to different medical specialties by observing practitioners during patient examinations and procedures. Student reflect on these experiences and present them to the class.

  • BCHM 3010 - Molecular Biochemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduces the nature, production, and replication of biological structure at the molecular level and its relation to function. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of BCHM 3010 or BCHM 3050 . Includes Honors sections. Preq: BIOL 1100  with a C or better. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 2230  with C or better.

  • BCHM (GEN) 3040 - Molecular Biology Laboratory

    2 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Introduces fundamental molecular biology laboratory techniques commonly used in biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology research. Principles and applications of these techniques are also discussed. May also be offered as GEN 3040 . Preq: BIOL 1100 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: BCHM 3010  or GEN 3020 .

  • BCHM 3050 - Essential Elements of Biochemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Introduction to structure, synthesis, metabolism and function of biomolecules in living organisms. Credit toward a degree will be given for only one of BCHM 3010  or BCHM 3050. Includes Honors sections. Preq: BIOE 1010  or BIOL 1030  or BIOL 1100 . Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 2010  or CH 2230 .

  • BCHM 4060 - Physiological Chemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Studies chemical basis of the mammalian physiological processes of muscle contraction, nerve function, respiration, kidney function, and blood homeostasis. Discusses composition of specialized tissue such as muscle, nerve, blood, and bone and regulation of water, electrolytes, and acid-base balance. Preq: BCHM 3050  or CH 2230  or CH 2010 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4230 - Principles of Biochemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of the chemistry of amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids, purines, pyrimidines, and associated compounds leads to an understanding of their properties and the relationship between structure and function that makes them important in biological processes. The use of modern techniques is stressed. Preq: CH 2240 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4310 - Physical Approach to Biochemistry

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of chemical and physical properties of amino acids, lipids, nucleic acids, sugars, and their biopolymers. Physical and mathematical analyses are correlated with biological structure and function. Includes Honors sections. Preq: BCHM 3010  with a C or better. Preq or concurrent enrollment: CH 3300  or CH 3310 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4320 - Biochemistry of Metabolism

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Study of the central pathway of carbohydrate, lipid, and nucleotide metabolism. Emphasizes bioenergetics, limiting reactions, and the regulation and integration of the metabolic pathways. Includes Honors sections. Preq: BCHM 3010  with a grade of C or higher.

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4330 - Physical Approach to Biochemistry Laboratory

    2 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Experiments to illustrate current methods used in biochemical research.  Preq: BCHM 3040  or GEN 3040  with a grade of C or higher. Preq or concurrent enrollment: BCHM 4310 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4340 - Biochemistry of Metabolism Laboratory

    2 Credits (4 Contact Hours)
    Experiments are conducted to illustrate current methods used in metabolic biochemical research. Preq: BCHM 3040  or GEN 3040  with a grade of C or higher. Preq or concurrent enrollment: BCHM 4320 .

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4360 - Molecular Biology: Genes to Proteins

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Examines how nucleic acids and proteins are synthesized in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Designed for students interested in biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, and cell physiology. Includes Honors sections. Preq: BCHM 3010  and GEN 3020 , each with C or better.

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM (GEN) 4400 - Bioinformatics

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Theory and application of computational technology to analysis of the genome, transcriptome, and proteome. Includes Honors sections. May also be offered as GEN 4400 . Preq: BCHM 3010  or BCHM 3050  or GEN 3000  or GEN 3020 , with C or better.

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4430 - Molecular Basis of Disease

    3 Credits (3 Contact Hours)
    Topics in heritable human metabolic disorders, including clinical features and newborn screening, genetic testing, the biochemical basis, and treatment. Preq: BCHM 3010  or BCHM 3050 , with a C or better; and GEN 3000  or GEN 3020 , with a C or better.

    This 4000-level course has a 6000-level counterpart. Students should refer to the Graduate Announcements for the 6000-level description and requirements.
  • BCHM 4900 - Selected Topics in Biochemistry

    1-4 Credits (1-4 Contact Hours)
    Comprehensive study of selected topics not covered in other courses. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits, but only if different topics are covered. Preq: Consent of instructor.

  • BCHM 4910 - Directed Research in Biochemistry

    1-8 Credits (3-24 Contact Hours)
    Orientation in biochemical research (i.e., experimental planning, execution and reporting). Includes Honors sections. May be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits. Preq: Consent of instructor.

  • BCHM 4920 - Honors Thesis in Biochemistry

    1 Credits (1 Contact Hours)
    Students complete a senior thesis and oral presentation detailing their honors research in biochemistry. Preq or concurrent enrollment: Students are expected to have completed or be concurrently enrolled in their second semester of an Honors section of BCHM 4910  for a minimum of four credits when registering for this course.

  • BCHM 4930 - Senior Seminar

    2 Credits (2 Contact Hours)
    Analysis and discussion of papers from the primary literature in the life sciences particularly in biochemistry. Students find pertinent articles in the primary literature and present and analyze the selected reading. Includes Honors sections. Preq: BCHM 3010  and GEN 3020 , each with a C or better; and one of BCHM 4310  or BCHM 4320  or BCHM 4360  with a C or better.