2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences offers a broad range of rigorous and stimulating baccalaureate programs that provide excellent educational opportunities that prepare our students for professional futures in industry, government, medicine, academia, service and other advanced degrees. The innovative combination of engineering, computing, and applied science disciplines that comprises the College, facilitates study and research in fields transcending the traditional disciplines. Students enjoy close interaction with a distinguished faculty committed to excellence in undergraduate education, as well as, in research, outreach, and service. Additional information on the College is available at http://www.clemson.edu/cecas/.
The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences offers a wide range of degrees that cover nearly all aspects of engineering while complementing with programs focused on computing technologies and applied sciences. For example, Computer Engineering combines circuit and signal aspects of Electrical Engineering with the development of software running on both low-end and high-end special-purpose systems. Computer Science generally focuses on the design, development, and use of programs that are implemented on general-purpose systems. Computer Information Systems applies the software programming aspects of Computer Science in support of business and information management. For more information, please visit the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Computing websites.
- Automotive Engineering, BS
- Biomedical Engineering: Bioelectrical Concentration, BS
- Biomedical Engineering: Biomaterials Concentration, BS
- Biosystems Engineering: Bioprocess Engineering Emphasis Area, BS
- Biosystems Engineering: Ecological Engineering Emphasis Area, BS
- Chemical Engineering, BS
- Chemical Engineering: Biomolecular Engineering Concentration, BS
- Civil Engineering, BS
- Computer Engineering, BS
- Electrical Engineering, BS
- Environmental Engineering, BS
- Industrial Engineering, BS
- Industrial Engineering: Computing Emphasis Area, BS
- Materials Science and Engineering, BS
- Mechanical Engineering, BS
Academic Fee
The Engineering programs incur an academic program fee. This fee funds infrastructure and program enhancements that increase the students’ success in a highly competitive job market. More information about the academic fee can be found on the academic fee webpage.
General Engineering provides students an opportunity to explore various engineering fields while getting a sound academic preparation for engineering study.
All new engineering students, including transfer students, are admitted into the General Engineering program. Students remain in General Engineering until they are able to declare their chosen major. This requires that the core courses are completed with a C or higher and the grade-point average requirement is met. The minimum cumulative grade-point average is 2.00, unless otherwise stated by the major. Some majors specify a higher minimum grade-point average or additional requirements. Please see individual majors for details.
Core Courses
4 - CH 1010 - General Chemistry
3 - ENGL 1030 - Composition and Rhetoric
3 - ENGR 1020 - Engineering Disciplines and Skills *
3 - ENGR 1410 - Programming and Problem Solving *
4 - MATH 1060 - Calculus of One Variable I *
3 - PHYS 1220 - Physics with Calculus I
*Alternative courses may satisfy this requirement or specific majors may require alternative courses. Please see requirements for each major or consult an advisor.
Criteria to move into Engineering Degree Programs from General Engineering
To declare a major, students should initiate a Change of Academic Program request upon completion of the core curriculum and fulfillment of the requirements for admission into their intended engineering degree program. Students admitted into an engineering degree program will follow the curriculum in effect at the time of admission into General Engineering, unless otherwise approved by the specific engineering department.
Students who fail to meet the requirements for admission into a degree program may remain in General Engineering until those requirements are met. Engineering departments may allow General Engineering students to enroll in selected 2000-level engineering courses (policy varies by department). General Engineering students are not permitted to take 3000- or 4000-level engineering courses.
Change of Major into Engineering from Non-Engineering Major
Enrolled students who wish to change from a non-engineering major into any engineering major must first change their major to General Engineering (GE). Students cannot change directly into a degree-granting engineering major. To obtain approval to change into General Engineering, a student must first meet with a General Engineering advisor and have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Registration Requirements
A cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 or higher is required for registration in engineering courses numbered 3000 or higher. Priority for registration in engineering courses is given to those majors for whom the course is a degree requirement. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the department offering the course.
Time to Degree Completion for Engineering Majors
The baccalaureate programs in engineering are designed to be completed in four years (eight regular semesters). Taking a reduced load or participating in cooperative education will extend this time. On average, Clemson engineering students take about four and one-half years to complete the requirements for graduation.
Policy on Humanities and Social Sciences for Engineering Curricula
Engineers have an obligation to practice their profession in a socially responsible manner. The education of engineers must prepare them for this responsibility and make them aware of the constraints imposed by societal and cultural factors. Thus, the humanities and social sciences are an important component of the engineering curricula.
In addition to the Clemson University General Education Requirements, some College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences majors are required to complete additional credit hours from a college or department approved list. Individual curricula may have more specific requirements. These additional courses may not be used to satisfy the Arts and Humanities or Social Science General Education Requirements. The College’s list of acceptable courses may be found below; however, departments may have an alternate list. Please speak with an advisor to determine the most appropriate list for your major.
Art and Literature: Any AAH, ART, DANC, MUSC, or THEA course, or CAAH 2010
Language Studies: Any ARAB, ASL, CHIN, FR, GER, ITAL, JAPN, LANG, PORT, RUSS, or SPAN course
Social Sciences: Any 1000- or 2000-level APEC course, any ANTH course, any COMM course (except COMM 1500 or COMM 2500 ), EAS 1230 , any ECON course, any ENGL course (except ENGL 2170, ENGL 3040 , ENGL 3100 , ENGL 3120 , ENGL 3140 , ENGL 3150 , ENGL 3160, or ENGL 3330 ), any GEOG course, any GW course, any HIST course, HON 1900 , HON 1910 , HON 1920 , HON 2020 , HON 2030 , HON 2100 , HON 2200 , HON 2210 , HON 2220 , any HUM course, IS 2100 , any LAW course, any PA course, any PAS course, any PHIL course, any POSC course, any PSYC course, any REL course, any RS course, any SOC course, STS 1010 , STS 1020 , STS 3030 , or any WS course.
Bachelor to Graduate Programs
Most of the undergraduate programs offer accelerated bachelor to master’s programs for academically talented students. Some undergraduate programs offer a bachelor to doctorate program. Visit the Graduate School website for more information: https://www.clemson.edu/graduate/academics/fasttrack.html.
The School of Computing is committed to providing academic excellence through a diverse undergraduate program of study including three bachelor’s degree programs, two minors, and a combined BS/MS program. Students in the undergraduate programs are exposed to a comprehensive computing education with both breadth and depth within the field of computing. Each of the three bachelor’s degree programs shares a common technical core along with unique objectives specific to the degree. Undergraduate students have access to leading faculty, superior facilities, and dedicated advisors. Graduates of the undergraduate programs are employed by leading technology companies or are pursuing graduate studies at top-ranked programs.
Academic Fee
The computing programs incur an academic program fee which funds infrastructure and program enhancements that increase the students’ success in a highly competitive job market. More information about the academic fee can be found on the academic fee webpage.
Change of Major into School of Computing
Students who change majors into Computer Science or Computer Information Systems must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 or higher. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a School of Computing academic advisor prior to changing majors.
Bachelor to Graduate Programs
Several of the undergraduate programs offer accelerated bachelor to master’s programs for academically talented students. Visit the Academic section of the School of Computing website for more information: www.clemson.edu/computing.
Geology is an applied science using principles from chemistry, biology, physics, environmental science, and other disciplines to study earth processes, materials, and history. Geologists collect data in the field to analyze in laboratories using various techniques, such as advanced computer models and geochemical measurements, to provide insights into how the planet works. Geologists thus have a deep appreciation and understanding of the physical world around us.
Students majoring in geology at Clemson can choose to add a concentration to their degree in either environmental science or hydrogeology. Every Clemson geology major participates in a multi-year research project with a faculty member and presents their results at a professional symposium. Each geology major also completes at least 6 credit hours of field courses in various locations such as the Caribbean, the American West, and the southeastern US.
Academic Fee
While this program does not have an academic fee, geology students are welcome to participate in all CECAS enhancement programs.
Change of Major into Applied Sciences
Students who wish to change majors into Geology must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 or higher. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor in Geology prior to changing majors. More information, including contact information for an advisor, may be found on the Geology program website.
Bachelor to Graduate Programs
Undergraduate Geology students with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.4 or above and 90 credit hours completed can reduce the time to earn a MS in Hydrogeology. For these students, approved graduate courses may be applied to both the bachelor and master’s degree program.
Engagement Opportunities
Our goal is to develop well rounded graduates who are prepared to tackle the most pressing challenges facing our society. More information on how to get involved may be found on our clubs and organizations webpage.
Honors Programs
Academically talented students have the opportunity to participate in general and departmental honors programs. More information can be found on the Clemson University Honors College website.
Students can complement their majors by pursuing a minor. Students may choose from many minors offered at the University. A complete list of minors can be found on the Minors webpage. Students cannot major and minor in the same subject or acquire a minor that is not allowed by the degree program. The minors listed below are affiliated with the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.
*Denotes an interdisciplinary minor.
Various certificates are available for students to enhance their degrees.
Modern Language Requirement
A number of Clemson University degree programs require the completion of a modern language through a specific course level. Modern languages taught at Clemson University or accepted for transfer credit include American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. While many degree programs accept any of these modern languages for the requirement, certain programs may have specific modern language requirements. Students should consult their program’s curriculum map for details.
SC REACH ACT (SC. 38 as amended) Graduation Requirement
Please see the South Carolina REACH Act Requirement in the Academic Regulations section.