1 Must be passed with a grade of C or better.
2 ENGR 1050 and ENGR 1060 may be substituted for ENGR 1020 .
3 Depending on a student’s Clemson Mathematics Placement Test score, MATH 1040 and MATH 1070 may be substituted for MATH 1060 ; or the student may be required to take MATH 1050 before enrolling in MATH 1060 .
4 See Policy on Humanities and Social Sciences for Engineering Curricula . These credits must also satisfy the Cross-Cultural Awareness and Science and Technology in Society Requirements.
5 CH 2270 and CH 2280 may be substituted for CH 2290 .
6 See advisor for details. Nine credit hours devoted to completion of an emphasis area or approved minor are required. Emphasis Area courses may not be used to satisfy other degree requirements. Select from the following Emphasis Areas:
Applied Engineering, Mathematics and Science Emphasis Area-Select from the following lists. At least one course must be selected from the Engineering courses list.
Engineering Courses-CHE 4010 , CHE 4140 , CE 2010 , IE 3600 , IE 3610 , IE 4620 , ME 2040
Mathematics Courses-MATH 4340 or MATH 4500
Science Courses-CH 3130 , CH 4020 , CH 4110 , CH 4130 , CH 4210 , CH 4270 , CH 4350 , PHYS 2220 , PHYS 4200 , PHYS 4320 , PHYS 4410 , PHYS 4450
Biolmolecular Science and Engineering Emphasis Area-Select from the following lists. At least one course must be selected from the Engineering courses list and Science courses list.
Engineering Courses-BE 4280 , BIOE 3020 , BIOE 4010 , BIOE 4020 , BIOE 4400 , BIOE 4480 , BIOE 4490 , BMOL 4260 , BMOL 4270
Science Courses-BCHM 3050 , BCHM 4060 , BCHM 4310 , BCHM 4330 , BCHM 4360 , BIOL 4340 , CH 3600 , CH 4040 , CH 4140 , CH 4250 , GEN 4400 , MICR 3050 , MICR 4070 , MICR 4130 , PHYS 4170
Business Management Emphasis Area-MGT 2010 is required. Select two additional courses from ACCT 2010 , ECON 3060 , ECON 3100 , ECON 3210 , ELE 3010 , ELE 4070 , ELE 4010 , MGT 3900 , MGT 4110 , MGT 4230 , MKT 3140
Energy Studies Emphasis Area-Select from AGRB 4570 , BE 4400 , CE 4370 , CE 4400 , CE 4430 , CE 4910 , CHE 4140 , CHE 4150 , ECE 4200 , ECE 4570 , ECE 4610 , ECE 4710 , ECON 4570 , EES 3100 , EES 4100 , EES 4120 , GEOL 4090 , ME 4200 , ME 4220 , ME 4260 , ME 4570
Environmental Engineering and Science Emphasis Area-Select two engineering courses and one science or policy course from the following lists:
Engineering Courses-BE 4240 , BE 4400 , BMOL 4030 , CHE 4010 , CHE 4140 , CHE 4150 , EES 4010 , EES 4020 , EES 4100 , EES 4110 , EES 4300 , EES 4800 , EES 4850 , EES 4860 , ETOX 4210 , ETOX 4460
Science/Policy Courses-CH 4110 , CH 4130 , ENR 3120 , ENSP 4000 , PHYS 2450 , PHYS 4200
Polymeric Materials Emphasis Area-Select from BIOE 3020 , CH 4510 , CHE 4120 , CHE 4130 , CHE 4450 , MSE 4150 , MSE 4610 , PKSC 4160 . Students may not use both CHE 4120 and MSE 4150 to satisfy this requirement.
Note: No student may exceed a maximum of two attempts, including a W, to complete successfully any CHE course.